:D&TZ Mailing List Archive by thread
Starting: Tue 05 Jan 1999 - 09:54:44
Ending: Thu 04 Nov 1999 - 14:00:51
Messages: 558
- "fishgarden" exhibition Johannes Birringer
- (no subject) Richard Lord
- <no subject> Henry Daniel
- ? about projecting a Lifeforms animation Scott deLahunta
- Absolut Angel Richard Lord
- ADF dance for camera fest Doug Rosenberg
- advice on sensors wanted Andy Clarke
- Amsterdam event Scott deLahunta
- Analog Senors to Midi Michael Lechasseur
- Analysis of Simonson technique via Effort-Shape Mary Burns
- announcement NWN events Sophia Lycouris
- Announcement: Worst Case Scenario Jeff Miller
- Announcement: An Interactive Dance-Making Project Sita Popat
- announcement: NWN events Sophia Lycouris
- announcment Amanda Steggell
- Application Deadlines Announced for UCLA Fellowships and NIPAD Snyder, Andrea
- Audience Stephan Silver
- back on the air Scott Sutherland
- BigEye/DC30 problem Andy Clarke
- BigEye/TrackThemColors Andy Clarke
- Biped despaink@wharton.upenn.edu
- BORDERLANDER press release Sophia Lycouris
- Call For Project Partners Matthew McCullagh
- CFP: AAHC National Conference (fwd) Sandi Kurtz
- Changing name and the premiere! Regina Miranda
- choreo conference Scott deLahunta
- Computer processed digital video for dance documentation Geary Buxton
- correct URL for BIPED previews Paul Kaiser
- Creating Roots/Cross Routes Dennis Diamond
- Crossfair99 Simon Hyde
- Current, April 6, 1999 (fwd) Sandi Kurtz
- CyberArts Performance Garth Paine
- Cyberculture Studies (fwd) Sandi Kurtz
- dance /butter2 Jeffrey Gray Miller
- dance /butter2 mary-lou
- dance and literature Regina Miranda
- Dance and New Technologies symposium (Germany) Scott Sutherland
- Dance and Tech in Nightline series Sandi Kurtz
- Dance and technology E.J.Sweeney
- dance and vertical video Bud Blumenthal
- dance butter mary-lou
- Dance for the Camera Festival and Workshop Ellen Bromberg
- Dance Machine Richie Whyte
- Dance machine in Japan pinhanez@us.ibm.com
- Dance Notation Software for laptop (os win) Yukihiko Yoshida
- dance on film Doug Rosenberg
- dance on film Sita Popat
- dance on film Doug Rosenberg
- dance on film Johannes Birringer
- Dance Tech curriculum/content 2 Johannes Birringer
- Dance Vision 2000 Festival Dates steven malkus
- Dance-tech list offline till late next week Scott Sutherland
- dance-tech list outage this weekend Scott Sutherland
- dance-tech recent works & scholarship Rebecca Groves
- dance-Tech...travel plans mary-lou
- dance/technology workshop Johannes Birringer
- Dancing and Videoconferencing Sita Popat
- Dancing with the Mouse conference Oct. 7-10, 1999 manning
- data dances in denmark Scott deLahunta
- de-corporalize me salzberg@cloud9.net
- de-corporalize me Bud Blumenthal
- demanding, ambitious, informed and inspired Amanda Steggell
- demandingly simple set up Amanda Steggell
- Did you get what was supposed to be happening? Stephan Silver
- DIEM Digital Dance Interface Wayne Siegel
- Digital images Diane Patterson Massad
- digital theater in denmark Scott deLahunta
- digital theatre experiments Scott deLahunta
- Digital Traces Jeff Miller
- email us your questions/comments LIVE (reminder) Sophia Lycouris
- emotional media/ update Niels Radtke
- essential threads? Bud Blumenthal
- European Premiere - The Secret Project Richard Povall
- exhibition/concert Johannes Birringer
- Faculty Position in Dance Iris Garland
- favorite internet sites. RDancer983@aol.com
- Festival Chile experimental choreography
- Festival Chile/festival 2001 Ivani Santana
- Figure skating Mardi Jennings
- figure skating / dance / technology Mardi Jennings
- Forwarding: FINAL CALL!! Residencies for Media Artists in UK, Scott deLahunta
- From Chile experimental choreography
- From Shinkansen Scott deLahunta
- from Sue Kozel/ Kirk Woolford: showing in NYC Scott deLahunta
- FW: New web dance mary-lou
- FW: New web dance Richard Lord
- going insane Johannes Birringer
- help on BigEye and Powerbook G3 Jeff Miller
- historical lighting Stephan Silver
- HOLY BODY TATOO Rob Shapiro/Kelly Hargraves
- HOLY BODY TATOO Nick Rothwell
- How do you all feel about advertisements? Liss Fain
- I've calmed down now. Nick Rothwell
- i-cube et al and dance machine Stephan Silver
- IDAT 99 mary-lou
- IDAT 99 Jeff Miller
- IDAT 99 Johannes Birringer
- IDAT 99 Doug Rosenberg
- IDAT papers Sita Popat
- IDAT99 and no budget Johannes Birringer
- IDAT99 and no budget Sandi Kurtz
- IDAT99/afterthought Johannes Birringer
- IDORU TONITE Amanda Steggell
- images for publishing Random
- info Jean-Marc Matos
- Interactive Arts Festival Wayne Siegel
- Interactive Dance-Making Project Sita Popat
- internet performance event Sophia Lycouris
- iRez/BigEye problem solved Jeff Miller
- Job Announcement RINDLER ROBERT
- job announcement Richard Povall
- Just a simple techno-dancer... Jeffrey Gray Miller
- Life Forms - did you know? Bart Copeland
- Life Forms experiments mary-lou
- Life Forms PowerModels Offer has been Extended Bart Copeland
- lifeforms/labanwriter Scott deLahunta
- live interview on the web Sophia Lycouris
- london event Random
- looking for a room imma Sarries Zgonc
- marey/langer/chaos/robotics Scott deLahunta
- MAX and Director Garth Paine
- max and director jacques.hoepffner
- max, midi and i-cube Wayne Siegel
- max, midi and i-cube Stephan Silver
- mo cap experimentation Scott deLahunta
- Moderation Nanette Hassall
- more web dance Stiller and Neil Zusman
- MOUSE conference room rate extended manning
- Multimedia performance in Brighton Jean-Marc Matos
- Multimedia: M.I. Paulo Henrique
- Need Information!!!! Le Corps Indice
- New Dance Work using internet collaboration ! Regina Miranda
- New Director Xtra -- MIDI Input via OMS Mark Coniglio
- New DNB Librarian Ilene Fox
- New Motif Discussion Ilene Fox
- New web dance Jody John Ramey
- New web dance Jody John Ramey
- New web dance Richard Lord
- New web dance (rant, sorry) Jeffrey Gray Miller
- No mail from the dance-tech list August 15-18. Scott Sutherland
- No Subject KWH2O@aol.com
- No Subject KWH2O@aol.com
- nordic dance zetsu@home.se
- Nordic Solo Festival Johannes Birringer
- Notes on Interactive performance Jeffrey Gray Miller
- NY premiere of Merce Cunningham's BIPED Paul Kaiser
- observations 2.2 Scott deLahunta
- Overwhelming response... Jeffrey Gray Miller
- p>s> Adniralc@aol.com
- Percussive dance sensors - request for any information Ross Allen
- Performance Henry Daniel
- performance conference Johannes Birringer
- performance date error Todiane4@aol.com
- Performance in China Johannes Birringer
- Performance Research: online Scott deLahunta
- Pierre Levy Stephan Silver
- please post Doug Rosenberg
- Please post to the listserve Jaye Knutson
- presenting dance on the web Stiller and Neil Zusman
- press release for a piece without technology Sophia Lycouris
- Press release-Il Coreografo Elettronico Scott deLahunta
- Preview of Merce Cunningham's new dance, BIPED Paul Kaiser
- radio dance David Rodger
- radio dance Jeff Miller
- radio dance Johannes Birringer
- radio dance Johannes Birringer
- re strange video site Sita Popat
- Re(2): demanding, ambitious, informed and inspired ???? Sita Popat
- Re(2): demanding, ambitious, informed and inspired ???? Sita Popat
- Re(2): Did you get what was supposed to be happening? Sita Popat
- Re(2): New web (whatever the hell you want to call it) David Rodger
- Re(2): New web dance Sita Popat
- Re(2): radio dance Sita Popat
- RE: Falling to Earth Johannes Birringer
- RE: dance /butter /New web forms Johannes Birringer
- RE: dance /butter2 Johannes Birringer
- RE: dance and butter JL & LH
- RE: dance butter Johannes Birringer
- RE: de-corporalize me Richard Lord
- RE: de-corporalize me Geary Buxton
- RE: de-corporalize me Takashi Iwaoka
- RE: de-corporalize me Geary Buxton
- RE: de-corporalize me JL & LH
- RE: FW: New web dance JL & LH
- RE: New web dance Sandi Kurtz
- RE: No Subject E.J.Sweeney
- RE: p>s> Antonini, Lou
- RE: Percussive dance sensors - request for any information Bryce Hartford
- RE: recording device Geary Buxton
- RE: undemanding fish Doug Rosenberg
- RE: undemanding fish Johannes Birringer
- RE: undemanding fish2 Johannes Birringer
- RE: undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Antonini, Lou
- RE: undemanding... Johannes Birringer
- RE: video screening Doug Rosenberg
- RE:old thread:dance on the web Doug Rosenberg
- RE:old thread:dance on the web steven malkus
- recording device modulor@sirius.com
- Recording, reproduction and performance Nick Rothwell
- request for info Iris Garland
- rivermen page Bud Blumenthal
- Room availability at the MOUSE conference manning
- seeking the possibility TAKASHI IWAOKA
- SHIFTS - a new website Michael Klien
- SHIFTS - Reminder Michael Klien
- Shifts, the IDAT99 connection KYA
- SHIFTS- the IDAT'99 connection Michael Klien
- Software glitch... Scott Sutherland
- Sorry Mistype Yukihiko Yoshida
- space available in London... Michael Klien
- Strange video site Sita Popat
- summary points from Virtual Physical symposium Scott deLahunta
- summer course Doug Rosenberg
- Summer Workshops Anthony Roberts
- Survey for the "Dictionnaire des arts mediatiques" diane leduc
- sustained exposure Kya
- sustained exposure Random
- sustained exposure chrysoula psomiadou
- sustained exposure Johannes Birringer
- Thanks and a couple of questions isabelle jenniches
- Thanks and a couple of questions... Greg Baskind
- The great Debate Alec Robertson
- The great Debate (not about dance & tech) Dawn Stoppiello
- The Launch of the New Work Network Sophia Lycouris
- The Virtual Dance Festival steven malkus
- Troika Ranch Performs August 28th Mark Coniglio
- undemanding fish Jeffrey Gray Miller
- undemanding fish Merilyn Jackson
- undemanding, etc.--lights & dance Adniralc@aol.com
- undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Andy Clarke
- Re: undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Andy Clarke
- More Re: undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Ellen Bromberg
- Re: More Re: undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Sita Popat
- "mistakes" in improvisation and dealing with technology Richard Allen
- Re: More Re: undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Jeffrey Gray Miller
- Re: More Re: undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Richard Povall
- Re: undemanding, unambitious, uninformed and uninspired Richard Povall
- upcoming internet legislation/USA Louise Reichlin
- upcoming performance Richard Povall
- upcoming performances/sublet Todiane4@aol.com
- URGENT: need to contact Steim to buy BigEye Andy Clarke
- Using lifeforms with a video beam projector? John Taylor
- Video Dance in San Francisco Isabel Valverde
- Video playback from Max Todd Winkler
- videoconference rehearsal Sita Popat
- videoplayback Greville Matthews
- videoplayback mary-lou
- videoplayback Aaron Davidson
- VIRTUAL DERVISHES in the internet Regina Miranda
- Virtual Exchange David Yoken
- we are looking for a midi matrix urgently Le Corps Indice
- Web Hits book Richard Lord
- Why dance on the Web? Jean-Marc Matos
- why dance on the web? Amanda Steggell
- Why dance on the Web? Sita Popat
- why tech? Bud Blumenthal
- William Forsythe CD-ROM now available Astrid Sommer
- [Biped] Camille Dickson
- [marrin@media.mit.edu: ZKM Workshop - Common Senses] Claudio Pinhanez
Last message date: Thu 04 Nov 1999 - 14:00:51
Archived on: Sun Nov 07 1999 - 08:54:35
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