VIRTUAL DERVISHES in the internet
Regina Miranda (reginamiranda@uol.com.br)
Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:27:00 -0400
I would like to say thank you for the messages ,
sugestions and collaborations I continually receive in answer to my first
invitation for collaborations for VIRTUAL DERVISHES,The dancers are enjoying to
work on this new material and I'm excited to deal with a new form of
Since I received many interesting things, I'm
now thinking of setting several video monitors in the performance space, showing
both the written and images collaborations that people are sending, of course
with the necessary written permission and credits on any press
As I can see now, this work will express the
vision of us all on this subject.
To answer some frequent questions:
1- There is no need to be a new,
specially made material for this work. If you feel that something you have
already done can add to our work feel free to send it to us.
2 - People other than dancers/choreographers
can also participate. My work will be to harmonize this different
collaborations into an intriguing and hopefully intersting work.
3-Your work can be shown either
anonimously or with all the information about you and your work
available to us.
4 - We will preserve the integrity of any
work that is sent to us in the terms we will agree. People have different needs,
so each case will be directly adressed.
5 - We can only show your work with your
signed permission in a personal agreement, that we will request to be
sent by mail to us at the right moment.
Please, feel free to write and ask the questions
you need. It also helps me to clarify others and learn how to work in this new
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Regina Miranda