New Dance Work using internet collaboration !
Regina Miranda (reginamiranda@uol.com.br)
Sun, 23 May 1999 20:43:26 -0400
To dancers/ choreographers/ visual
artists/poets/ artists interested in collaborative work through
ABOUT "VIRTUAL DERVISHES"- a dance work by Regina
Miranda, with the Regina Miranda Actors and Dancers Company of Rio the
Janeiro, and international collaborators via Internet
My name is Regina Miranda. I'm a Brazilian
choreographer, now living both in Rio and New York, CMA ( Certified Movement
Analyst -through the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies),quite well
known in my country, running my own dance company for almost 20 years in Rio de
Janeiro. You can know about me if you go to http://www.infolatino.com/ReginaMiranda/
I am now preparing a new dance work that will
premiere in Rio in the first week of September, 1999. This work is structured in
two ways: the traditional way, with everyday rehearsals in my studio in Rio de
Janeiro and also through Internet collaborations. This is the first part of a
project that will be developed next year, when the company will celebrate 20
Our theme is the physical/emotional memory of unique moments
in life: moments when the force of life manifests itself so strongly that its
light remains imprinted in the body. The work has its origins in the poems of
the great Sufi master Jelaluddin RUMI, now considered a poet of the same level
as Dante or Shakespeare. Our style is post-modern and I like to refer to it as
dance-poetry, since I feel like beginning a new cycle, that comes out of a
more dance-theatre style, characteristic of my work during a long
But this is not a restriction! Its just an information! You
can contribute to this work in any style of dance, just by sharing your memories
with us, sending a visual image or a dance sequence by video, writing a poem or
an email about what you think of our proposal, or any other idea you may come
I will be selecting things for the work in the next 2 months,
so , if you feel like participating, write me as soon as possible. This will not
be a paid contribution. Unfortunately, at this moment, we can't do that on
such a large scale! But, of course , your name will be on the program, and we
will acknowledge your contribution in as many ways as we can. If you want to
know more, write a message to reginamiranda@uol.com.br
I look forward to your
Thank you,
Regina Miranda