Re: Virtual Exchange
Yacov Sharir (sharir@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu)
Tue, 02 Mar 1999 11:33:30 -0600
>I am wondering if any one would be able to respond to the following query?
>Are there any dance programs currently involved in "virtual" networks to
>exchange information utilizing real time images or video conferencing?? I
>am interested in hearing about existing programs where the focus is on this
>"real time" exchange within the context of actual course
>work/performance/etc., at your institute: the benefits and problematic
>issues relating to this technology. Do you have any type of "virtual" real
>time exchanges/networks with dance programs/institutes in other countries?
>If so, I would appreciate any information.
Hi there,
You hould visit this site http://www.utexas.edu/cofa/courses/sharir
I hope this will help. Best, Yacov Sharir