Re: IDAT 99
Isabel Valverde (valverde@sirius.com)
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 19:17:21 -0700
I was glad to participate in IDAT99 to confirm the strength and conviction
involved in the variety of most work presented and discussed (though I
can't talk for the ones not seen). I must say the most important aspect
found was the general realization of the present phase of development of
such community and its implicit self criticism, even if much more of it is
necessary, especially at the artistic production level. It was great at
this point to meet physically with people from this list, as well as others
brought together with the same interest in dance and tech from so many. It
definitly is the best way to gather and share experiences and reflect upon
future moves. Yes, It should be at least biannual.
For those interested, here is finally my website, where for now I have my
MA thesis - Challenging Body Perceptions: 'New' Dance Moving Towards and
Resisting Applications of New Technologies - from which my paper
presentation of an excerpt of the chapter 3:
http://www.sirius.com/~valverde. critic welcome,Isabel
>It was good to meet you all at IDAT. I feel that we have a strong
>community of artists and technologists and collectively, if we put our
>minds to it, we may have something important to contribute to a changing
>culture. It was a pleasure to engage in face to face conversations with
>some of you. I hope we can keep up the important discourse begun at IDAT
>99. Doug
><<< "Michael Klien" <klien@metronet.co.uk> 3/ 1 9:57a >>>
>SHIFTS-the IDAT connection is over for 99 - but the website with all the
>information and more stays.
>For all those interested: http://www.backspace.org/shifts
>For all those who have been there:
>Thanks for coming - we hope you enjoyed it...
>the SHIFTS team
>Barriedale Operahouse Initiations Ltd.
>artistic direction /
> creative consultancy /
> choreographic r+d