Here are some pictures that I have chosen for you
to at
if you just want to see a cross cut of what I have been up to the
last couple of years. If any of them interests you, you can click on
the picture to get more in that category or the year to get more from
that year.
Hexagon Forms
Hexagon Form
6 sections that can be rearranged to create different sculptures
Made out of plywood and painted white.
I want to create this piece in metal some day
Net Forms
Net forms(me in picture)
50" x 3' x 3'
Wire, tar black silicon and iron oxide
Square and round glass forms with copper woven this way
Clay cast glass slumped with copper
~ 3 feet long
Work out of Clay and Glass or has Clay on Surface of Glass
Form with Loose Ends
Clay cast glass, clay left on glass,
and copper
About 3 feet long
Boat Forms
Blue boat (detail of front~ 4 feet long)
Clay cast glass, slumped with copper
Spindle Forms
Cast Iron,
~ 2 feet to 4 1/2 feet long
Links or movable forms
Metal Links
cast iron
each 2"x 10" x 1/2" Total 31
Wall Work
Five Circles
Wall work
Clay and clay cast glass
10" x 9" x 2"
Work made out of stone and other materials
Beach stones and stainless steel
2' and 1' 1/4" dia