..Digital Video Artist..

Faces, Thoughts & Emotions

 "Abstract Thoughts of Home "

An exchange student in Buffalo, New York from Prague for one year. Returns home to find Czechoslovakia no longer exists.

" Anguish "

A depiction of the anger felt by the Black against the oppression and enslavement by the White over so many years.... and yet, every time someone comes into the studio, the first thing out of their mouths is "Jimi Hendrix?"

" Cracking Up "

Letting go, in the EXTREME!!

" End of The Music "

Guitar strap buttonhole.

" Flower's Head-Open Minded "

Creative thoughts blossoming.

" Midnight Gallop "

Running under the Moon.

" The Hand That Feeds You "

Think about it... Open the Fridge!!!

" Passion "

Lovers embrace.

" Robyn's Tyme "

Time for thoughts of Where she's been. Where she is, and where she's going.

" Slim Chance "

Looking out the airplane window at night.

What do you see?

" Spirit Guide "

For the lost to follow.

" The Voice-The Music "

Completes the song.

Rubinoff can be reached by telephone, fax, or e-mail.
He is always interested in hearing your comments, questions, or inquiries.

Tel: (519) 652-0780
Fax: (519) 652-1003
Email: prubinoff@wwdc.com


All images / pictures / artworks / animations / buttons contained within this web page are the (c) copyright 1999 of Philip Rubinoff.