>Hi folks,
>We are currently updating the studios entrance section and
>have just added a section for painters. We are still adding
>artists to this section so if you don't see yourself listed
>there yet and you have sent us email that you want to be added,
>please do not worry. It's in process.
>We are also adding a Photographer section as soon as we finish
>the Painters' section.
>Please note that we are going to start listing artists in
>more than just one section. So if you feel your works call
>for you being listed in additional sections, please let us
>Also, how would people feel if we had a section that was
>entitled "Human Form" or "Nude Works"? All artists working
>in with nudity of human forms would be included in this
>section.... The purpose of this would be to show that we
>support artists who work with this subject matter. Please
>let us know if you think this would be a worth while idea.
>Finally, we will be working on doing a alphabetical listing
>of all the artists in the studios...
>Hopefully the above will help people in finding the works
>and artists they are looking for. We already have a search
>feature for the studios section for random searches.
>Please let us know if you have any suggestions or comments
>concerning the above plans.
>(a webmaster@art.net)