W i l l i a m ..M c C a u l e y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................................Digital Mandalas

... .G a l l e r y

.T e c h n i c a l

B i o g r a p h y

......S u r v e y

........E m a i l

The material for Digital Mandalas started as photographs processed to CD photo as source images.

Manipulation of photos occured at 600 dpi at 7² x 7 ³ in RGB mode on a Macintosh using Photoshop and Painter.

Embedded in the data file is a 10 step grey scale and color blocks for set up and reference.

The images were transfered to 100meg zip disk for file transfer to a local digital image processing house.

The imaging house processed the data (LVT Scan) and created a negative at 7² x 7² on 8² x 10² film.

A print is then developed using the grey scale and color blocks as print reference.