The Computer Artwork of Anne Eldredge Harris

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A Treat for Your Heart
Experiencing Old Age
Landscapes of the Heart
My Vita
Wilmington News Journal Article

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Resting and listening to my music

Health Problems

I was diagnosed with diabetes before I moved into Cokesbury, but as it worsened with time it affected my whole body, made me frail and weary.  In this continuing care facility, with a contract for life care, my endocrinologist, and the wonderful nurses in the available care center, we're working to optimize my health.  With insulin, strict diet and my exercise regimen I am able to live a full, independent and productive life.

Although I have stayed in the care center during difficult periods, I prefer to stay in my own apartment, my own bed.   Phone and medi-alert by the bed, tape deck and computer handy, I can lie on my bed facing the glass doors viewing the beautiful grounds, with rolling hills, ponds, woods, people, animals and birds.  I know how fortunate I am.  Bless Ed.

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