is difficult to describe the detachment I felt---my spirit
was still connected to Ed, I felt completely
drained. Neighbors and friends and family visited,
brought food, invited me to dinners, stopped by often. I
forced myself
to be pleasant but longed for the quiet time of nap and sleeping,
for alone I could sort out my emotions. I felt shattered,
but not without hope or joy.
Matthew spent the rest of the summer with me. He
was exactly what I needed, for together we explored the shore,
gathering goodies the waves brought in. Skulls and
skeletons of fish and small animals were brought home, bleached
Clorox, admired and researched. A dead sea turtle was
put on an ant pile to strip away the flesh, the soft leathery
plates that were left were used like a jig-saw puzzle. We
were in awe of God's creations. Collected His jewels. But
soon he had to leave, too.