I added some element from my friends house to make the picture work better in this space. They have these small unusual windows that I like and this chair in there that was made by the husband of my friend,
influenced by Rene Machintosh's famous chair
The chair that got ingraved in my mind as one of the coolest chairs
out there since I sat on one in a cafe house in Edinburg many years
Both of these sparked some influence at the end stages of the painting and that the leather sofa was so white made me want to add more white to the picture to brighten it up and sharpen it. To frame the whole thing I added more blue to the edges and felt done. The view out the window in this room will give you on a good day Snaefellsjokul in all its glory.
Sounds like a perfect Bingo to me : )
I personally think though that I must have been also highly under the influence of a painting made by Finnur Jonsson. Called (Orlagateningurinn) "Dice of Destiny" made 1925. I have had that painting as a poster over my bed at my parents house since I worked at the National Museum of Iceland in 1989 and saw the real thing. The dime in that painting has not fallen jet just like in my painting. The allegory of Finn's painting is that as the dime has not fallen we don't know jet what it going to happen just like I don't know what my trip to the mountain will mean for me.
Finnur Jonsson
Dice of Destiny