So, ok, here's, ha ha ha, I don't know what this guy's name is, he's dude. This is some fabulous stuff. We have not only, oh! The timeline metaphore, I forgot to show the timeline, I'll do that next. But we have things that are driven by rules and reactions and events.
Like you can click on this cheese and it wafts. He says "Zed is dead baby, Zed is dead". These animations can go on at the same time, this is not click and wait, there's a simulation going on here.
This is Pavlov's lab here. This is a prototype, but it's going to be dynamically configured by the object that you drag into it. We can say, like, when the dude sleeps, screams, explodes, sleeps, talks, wafts, no, when the cheese wafts, the dude sleeps, explodes, screams, screams. Yeah, all right.
And then you go (click) waft the cheese. (The cheese wafts but the dude doesn't scream.) Hey. When the cheese wafts ... (Victor in the audience yells "Ring the Bell!") Oh, the bell! Thank you! Ding!
When the cheese wafts, the guy screams! He was not a plant, I forgot, I really did forget. So. (Click.)
(Cheese wafts.) (Guy screams ayyyeyeyeyay!) See why I didn't want audio? If that was on the loudspeaker, it would be too much.
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