body net quest
Jean-Marc Matos (kdmatos@worldnet.fr)
Sat, 23 May 1998 18:06:12 +0200
Hello dear Scott,
I was very touched by you answering to me.
Thanks a lot...
In fact the seminar "Made in corpus" went really well, although Suzan
Kozel and myself were the only ones talking about "corporeal presence
and the net".
Thecla Shiphorst also presented her work in another "round table", the
day before.
I ended up not having time enough to connect to the web in any way...,
(Saturday morning between 10 am and 1 pm!).
even though there was a lot of attention paid to dance from several
valuable people (Louis Bec, Anne Marie Duguet, Michel Bernard, Dominique
Dupuis, ...).
I did not receive a single answer from the DTZone!
Only a few answers from some of my french collegues...I guess we still
have a lot to do to "connect" the french "milieu" with the "english"
speaking world, on issues dealing with dance and technology in
So I did my very best presenting parts of a new text (only available in
french at the moment) and excerpts from video tapes, including rushes
shot during an "on line" performance-conference (using ISDN lines) we
had just done Anne Holst and myself (May 12th) between a "Lycˇe de la
communication", in Toulouse and the Art School of Cergy Pontoise (near
Paris) where I teach a workshop on "dance, video and on line projects".
Besides I gave the organizer of the event a list of interesting sites to
be explored in a number of computer terminals set in another room for
kids...I also left the address of the DTZone, as a reference.
I want to take this opportunity to announce the opening of the site of
my company, K. Danse:
http://www.metafort.com/kdanse/ It's still in french, but the english
version will come soon and it's open to modifications.
Could you add it under my name in the Artists Links of the Zone?
I will continue keeping myself in touch with you.
All the best to you and everybody in the mailing list.