Art.Net: How Our Site Works...


Artists who join Art.Net curate their own studios and gallery rooms.

Apart from each artist curating their space, there are a few other projects that are happening on, such as the art auctions, the artists reviews, and the online help project where artists help each other with coming up on the Internet and Web.

The Art.Net site is designed so that artists can learn how the site is structured. As each artist maintains their space, the site really has many webmasters and is constantly being updated.

The Art.Net site pages are maintained by the and suggestions for improvements are welcome. Discussion of such things generally happens on the alias, which is one of the many site aliases run on

There are some site spaces on that all artists have access to change and add too. These spaces are for collaborations and such. There are also site spaces where artists can actually add their own comments about Art.Net.

An invatation has been extended to the artists here on Art.Net to start sister websites under the domain. Eventually this will be extended to people outside of the current artists membership here on Art.Net. This is a long term plan though and will be implemented as time goes by.