Oh, there was dancing somewhere, just now, in harvest fields and spring fairs and spacious royal halls but on the stony platform mist entered with villain's portent but little else as Esme(e) said, "We will adjust her life."
        The beads clacked 1 more time while the mist encircling probed with seeming softness, wherein lies the gravest peril, in softness, "We will adjust her life."
        It was Haggerty she meant.
        But Esme(e)'s selfishness was not in this.
        Violet assessed.
        Rose and Elaine weighed Violet.
        Carrie was clasped by mist. It faded from her discovering it had found her before
in Marin.
        Cleo caught her lip with a small white tooth. She whispered, "Elaine?"
        "Esme(e)?" from Elaine.
        Esme(e)'s brow was troubled.
        "What do you know?"
        Esme(e)'s brow grew stormy.
        "What have you seen?" Dumping the board against a bevel, "What!"
        Violet spoke softly, "What about Haggerty?"
        Esme(e) showed them.
        She drew them.