I turned from Vryyh to face the Progenitor across a corner of her table. I met her deep quick eyes. I would return her stare for as long as she cared to. I would not give in to her. I would not give her 1 thing. 
        She took her time examining me before she commented, "I thought riders worked alone." Her voice was low, strong, rough-edged. 
        "Some do." 
        "And you?" 
        "I work as I please." 
        She smiled a little at that. It was like 1 smiled at a child knowing how easily children break. "I requested you alone. Who is this with you? She must leave." 
        "Only if she wishes. If she wishes to stay she will stay if you wish to speak to me. She is Pennbaston, a med of the service." 
        The Progenitor eyed Pennbaston in a way I did not like. 
        "She has her freedom to be here with me. I will not meet with you if you force her." As I knew she would dismiss that as an idle threat I clarified, "You may think you speak with me but you will not be speaking to me if you force or harm her in any way." 
        The Progenitor slowly shifted her gaze from Pennbaston to me, thinking this over. She decided to ignore it. "You will do a job for me." 
        "I will not." 
        "You do not have choice in this." 
        "I do. I have always chosen my acceptances and will not change now." 
        "I have summoned you to perform a job for me." 
        I kept my eyes in hers and spoke no more, having answered that. 
        "It is an unusual job," she went on, "1 which will interest you." 
        "I doubt it." 
        Her black brows slammed together. Her mouth compressed momentarily. It was somehow soothing to see that she could be pierced in any way. "You doubt my word?" 
        "I doubt your knowledge." 
        "Of you? But you can have no knowledge of that knowledge. I may know all about you." 
        "Not all, Progenitor."