This is a test still in making. ( June 2003)
I am going to a tempt to make a per of glass legs to go with these clay feet that I had taken out of my friends trash bin earlier this year.
Thinking I could use them to demo for her and others how you can ad glass to a different material other then the way I normally do in my own work
She makes really cool work. Have a look.
I made first out of clay a per of legs. I should have made them a little fatter when I think of it now. ( always good to be smart afterwards right : ) ) to compensate for the clay mold that I put a round the legs that I made. For the mold will dry and shrink and again in firing.
When the mold around the clay legs that I wrapped in thin plastic got leather hard. Shrink rap to be exact.
I took a knife to the mold and opened it
up on the sides and took it of in couple of parts.
The plastic made it hard to get it out of the mold so I am going to use something else next time to have between.
Like nylon sock or thin fabric, Any ideas?
I opened up the plastic and took out the legs to remove them safely out of the other half of the mold.
To put back together. I saw that it was hard to work on the seam part so I cut the leg part in half
The last picture shows the tools that I used.
I will probably have some trouble fitting the glass legs in for they will be smaller and might have moved.
I will attempt to to try to fit them by carving with a dremel tool (variable speed, a flexible shaft and preferably a foot pedal ).
The glass might not make it in one part in the cooling of the glass for the clay might not give that much. I used what ever recycle clay on purpose to see if what works. I don't mind if the glass breaks actually hoping it will so glued found and made parts can be used to make the piece even more interesting so that is the least of my worries.
Come by sometime later to see what will happen next.
remember to book mark.
my webpage