T H E W E B P O E M |
To ftp is to live!
lile lile@art.net USA
the cherished doctrine spun ravaging insights into her forlorn eyesockets as the sound of her lover's emotional denial strove to muffle every new thought like a loud bad movie
patrick,snapchat@cyberg8t.com USA
Dredged from the throngs of a loud bad movie his sweat muffled the inner sanctum of her poisoned spore-orbs leaving Saturn mute and undisturbed. It was She that turned sweet -- And it was he that blessed the reaper tormenting ever for now....(in rapture, in raw) at hearing Her light spun meta-gellically everywhere....and every how......
La Serpia, SnapChat@cyberg8t.com
They came. Each came from a different source, a different star. Each had a different wavelength, variations in their harmonics. They wove together, singly at first but then more and more until finally together they had created a bundle of fiber optic strands spanning a world, a corridor of light in which minds mingled and mixed.
Sean Lisse, SeanLisse@Aol.com USA
embrace me virtually touch me really kisses in the deep night... and dreams
Marcelo Reis, msreis@bsb.nutecnet.com.br, Brazil
Arco de flexa, colt 45, Mig 23, Metralhadora Uzzi, escopeta, F-16. Tanque Osório, granada, faca de mão, Napalm, gás lacrimogênio, porta-avião. Raio laser, canivete, espingarda Winchester, blindado Urutu e gás mostarda. Bazuca, 765 e míssil ar-terra, Bomba atômica, submarino e tanque de guerra. E em volta de Júpiter, podemos ver Titã, Ganimedes, Io, Europa e Calisto. Em Saturno, orbitam Janus, Mimas, Hiperion, Tetis, Dioneia, Japet, Febe e Encelado. Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania e Oberon passeiam indiferentes em volta de Urano, E mesmo no distante Netuno, Ainda podemos ver Nereida e Tritão.
Marcio, mgalvao@centroin.com.br, Brasil
For years gone Dimensionless! No time, nor space No place in mind. For years ahead Or year ago I travelled......by places Old for ones, Present for me. No time Nor space No place No way... To know it all Or to measure it´s Whole. It is.
Vitor, vitorcon@redeglobo.com.br Brazil
there on the other end of the line there watching her own monitor hands on the keyboard is Laura Dern biting her lip, vulnerable in a thin 20s dress thinking about my poem writing one back to me and here on my end typing in another one is whoever the hell Laura Dern wants to sleep with tonight
Michael McNeilley mmichael@olywa.net http://www.art.net/~mmichaelOlympia, Washington, USA
To be with her one night would Be like an iced-coffee On a sweaty day. Oh, the taste of iced-cafe'. Mamisch.
Dan Weinberg udweinbe@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
The Electric Muse She is the binary pulse of a carbon forms lightly smudged the rivulet of electric relief you seek at speeds so close to light She is the child who knows what the fathers have forgotten or never had the patience to learn She can teach you too She¹ll don the mesozoic remnants of your vestigial fins and waft you in cobalt waters towards an evolutionary incline For herself she would not alter a follicle of your design And that splinter shard from the treasure you hoard? She¹ll work her way beneath your skin to find it Hone its barb For she can be a tool for you balanced perfectly to fit the heft of your soft palmed hand She bears a new gold nib for your favorite pen She is the scent of you new born The skin you shed to stand here on the hottest rock In the midst of so much heat she is the promise of another winter stillness freon cold against your cheek She is the dream that slips away into the ether when sheets fall to the floor and you wake, naked sooner than you might have wished She is dancing in a gauze skirt She flashes a thigh She winks a slate blue eye She is a synapse dance of wet wired release your newly baudable bride
Jennifer Ley anemone@viconet.com
Supremo gozo sin curiosidadaceptacion Alla esta todoaqui, .....aveces un poquito. Mi propia sombra la lanzo a pesar mio ........y fue a rodar a otros mundos
maroe, maroes@blarg.net.com, USA
become I am the empty paper cup: wind-tossed across the road at night. I am the midnight tree: waiting alone against the starry sky. I am the brightest star: lost behind the crescent moon. I am the moonlight road: I reach stretch soar to places you can never see. You become the cold water: I drown with a smile on a summer day. You become the shade: I hide faceless in the midday crowd. You become the noontime sun: I burn beneath the shifting city air. You become the sunlight path: You reach stretch run to all that I will never be. ©mathew miller
mathew miller ©1995 usa
There's person looking at me I don't know if it's "HE", "THEY", "I" or if it's "IT" I can't see'em but doesn't matter, I can feel'em and it ain't good This person stand looking for ours and ours, killing me boring me and I just want to break it out I just want to feel free.
Rodrigo Guidi Peplau, rgpeplau, BRAZIL
mind creates perfect paranoid scenery for soap opera likeactions. Emotions race...a blazing force .. like a horse, with 23 to 1 odds, winning it all for you. I cuddle up with an old favorite porno mag, an ear encrusted familliar tune that calls out the name I used to go by... and a desire..that when tomorrow i open my eyes, the saddess will have subdued.
Lob / instagon@netcom.com USA.SoCal .
you've captured me my long sought kin and klanit's not like they said, at all no nefarious world control predicted by so many wise minds no, it's just us-all of us who we are without disturbing sinue blind to each other seeing clearly for the first time daring to bare our shame what is this place?
guthrie@acadia.net Maine, US
bitter fruit burnt my tongue untasted by the meeks corned by the strong me somewhere in the middle spitting out the taste of something i wish i hadn't bitten into
kim northrop kimn@tansoft.com usa
The wind walking through the trees river stream water of leaves in an invisible stream Highways in the air wind hichhiker wind vagrant homeless kicking up the leaves solo spirit blows by snake coil running solo wind walks through the trees breath passing breeze on a still night invisible blue incoming tide no waves just passing The wind walking through the trees
Jon Christopher - studio3@earthlink.net - USA
the day of Martian spring I watched children in the park swing with smiles of shade the sky was red as the polar caps melted i took photograps of graffitti and felt the clouds billow in my head
aymon de sales oodlee@earthlinks.net u.s.a.
we meet, but yet we do not... anxiously anticipating... my vision of you grows ever larger, but only inside my mind... you ARE my virtual reality, and our emotions just black and white... cyber-kiss me, my avatar, and dissolve into the night...
conni willys@lvdi.net usa
"Poesia na rede 40 milhões é uma grande parede Poesia ou não escrevo com emoção para tocar seu coração E se voce não gostar também pode falar alguma coisa pra melhorar eu também gosto de escutar e me emocionar..." (Setembro/96)
AAR - Brasil
Minha terra tem palmeiras onde canta o sabia, As aves que aqui gorgeiam nao gorgeiam como la. Nao permita Deus que eu mora sem que eu volte para la, sem que eu desfrute os primores que nao encontro por ca.
Cyntia de Macedo Franco c.macedofranco@student.qut.edu.au (Brasil)
I sit before a mirror deep my mind is twisted thinking I look into the window the window to my sole A spirit held against its will held within a shell to take a blade and press at will to let life drain away to bleed the spirit from its shell to fly with ones free will I stare into the mirror deep a shadow from the past
Michael Lee, MikeL@aol.com,USA
I am really tired. I have a deadline in three days, and I have tons of work to do. When can I be free of all this pressure?
wenkai, zhong (wenkaiz@owlnet.rice.edu) U.S.A.
The moon by Jeremy olson the moon the suns twin sister. the black sky it's cape,the stars it's people, the night it's castle, the planets it's flags.
Jeremy Olson smodge@usa.com usa
ser estar pensar viajar sentir sumir fugir morrer
consumed by desirehis flesh ripped awayonce the feasting beganhe chanced only to scream before she threw his skin away
A Blue night Out of control We go trough the time A bird with the soul Watch them fly In an unexpected way When the wind blows Some shinny place Where do we go? Nothing matter Feel the breeze We become free But Let maintain our contact Some day we will be together Where do we go?? Where everything is different Stranger, bizarre To leave a world To leave a life, to smile To look for To catch my soul in a different way I've been waiting for this... Where do we go? I dont mind!I dont care!
Carolina Vasconcelos vilnavmf@openline.com.br---- > BrAzIl
Ve ben "Hayatýn Acemisi" tutsaðýyým zamanýn ve tenin hükmüm geçmez oluþlara.
Hakan UYGUN haky@bline.net.tr Turkey
Dreaming Of You I Close my eyes each night, You are what dreams are made of. Dancing eyes, of gemstone light. Drawing me into a fantasy world A world of strange delights, Of love and desire. Of simple carrying and sharing. As I Hold you so close - Hearing your laughter I touch you - Feeling the softness of your skin, Tasting and smelling the sweetness of you. Don't Let me awaken, As I feel the dawn approach. Tom Romano ©1996 usa Tom.Romano@Tri-c.cc.oh.us
Tom Romano Tom.Romano@Tri-c.cc.oh.us
MADRUGADAS DE NARCISO (J. C. Capinan) Encalho nas madrugadas as minhas velas em farrapos Sou eu mesmo os marinheiros Sou eu mesmo a cabotagem Sou eu quem traça os portos do roteiro E torna em desespero a bússola da viagem Naufrago nas madrugadas Mas eu mesmo me faço nadar em vão até as mais longínquas praias Sou eu a maresia, a calmaria e a tempestade Sou eu mesmo a terra à vista Inalcançável
PoesiANDO Assim espero ficar por um tempo Por muito tempo, Durante todo o tempo que eu tiver O tempo que eu preciso Para te falar que já é tempo de seguir Ou, pelo tempo, que tal parar? Do tempo que não tenho Para te mostrar o horizonte Que se perde no tempo Que temos para olhar Olhar perdido Descritivo, indiscreto Procurando o tempo de te encontrar Te encontrar para não te perder mais E te encontrar definitivamente Divinamente bela a minha espera... Num tempo que se foi Eu fiquei aqui, só, a te esperar Mergulhado em tristezas Sem tempo para chorar... Chorar por ti, por mim Pelo tempo que tivemos E não tivemos tempo de viver Vivendo num tempo sem cor Sem vida, em desamor Num tempo que não se encontra Que se esgota em vazios Onde o tempo preenche o tempo O nosso tempo para dele dispor... Agora que você se foi Busco no tempo o vigor Vigor para viver um tempo Que não aprendi com você Que não tive tempo de conhecer O tempo que precisávamos ter Para não ver o TEMPO passar Tanto era o tempo Que o TEMPO nos deu para AMAR Em tempo: É sempre TEMPO DE AMAR! Olympia Mahu,BELÉM-PA-BRASIL - mftq@unisys.com.br
Olympia Mahu, mftq@unisys.com.br BRASIL
Outro adeus? Porque dizer adeus só por dizer Quando ainda se tem muito mais a dizer... Somente a dor, a mágoa e a discórdia Faz tomar decisões tão trágicas Tristes, poéticas, mágicas... Mágicas pelo esplendor da dor Pelo amor revestido de rancor Pela dureza das palavras Quase tão duras quanto belas... Beleza que se esconde em sutilezas Em gestos fortes, febris Desfigurando a alma Numa beleza calma, às vezes graveSempre traduzida em carinho Em suavidade, leveza... Como a leveza do ar, agora impregnado Pelas palavras duras Pelas lágrimas derramadas Pelo ar sombrio da ausência Do adeus sem encanto Pelos desencontros Das palavras, dos planos Assim, transfigurados... Nos espaços deixados A preencher vazios, sem acalanto Um canto que não se esvai assim Num gesto de adeus... Um simples gesto, que transforma Ou simplesmente informa O fim de tudo, a nova forma A morte, o renascer... Olympia Mahu, BELÉM-PA-BRASIL - mftq@unisys.com.br
Olympia Mahu, mftq@unisys.co.br - BRASIL
Amor e vida O amor é a grande chave para uma vida feliz Estejas onde estiveres, Através dele você terá a paz... O amor entre mim e você O amor aos animais. O amor pelo amor O amor que é a própria eternidade Esse sim é o verdadeiro amor... Se tens tudo isso em você Ou se buscas o mundo através dele Com certeza, tens muita beleza em ti... Por isso não temas A FLOR da vida Mesmo no deserto... Onde podes ver e AMAR Os olhos do abutre... Olympia Mahu, 5/10/96 Não espere por mim Não espere tão somente por mim Nem por nada desta vida Uma mensagem Ou um sinal de mim Eu apenas existo E persisto no tempo... Procure sentir e ouvir Apenas a canção da vida Que te faz seguir um caminho O caminho do sol Que também leva ao amor Impassível sou Na visão que tens da vida E do que esperas de mim Nas palavras guardadas no tempo E que não foram levadas pelo vento Te faço crer que existo Não sei desde quando Mas te tigo que foi desde sempre... Não te direi nada Para não ser tão somente Aquilo que desejas ouvir ...Olympia Mahu, 04/10/1996
Olympia Mahu, mftq@unisys.com.br BELÉM-PA/BRASIL
O BOTO Mergulhou em meu cio, deslizando em meus seios suas mãos de rio. Eu, cabocla seduzida revelei meus segredos a matrichãs e tambaquis. Ainda guardo seu gosto barrento, que em noites de chuva deságua dentro de mim...
Francis Mary - Rio Branco/Acre - francis@mdnet.com.br
Green, white and blue A poem by Carlos Aranha Wine, Coke, beer... Can I be a chemical town, or a liverpolitical civilization? My dream is downand your mind is a metahpysical damnation. My name isn't Bob Dylan. Her shirt is a jamaican fuck. Funk is this poem, folk is your baby, punk as a green beer, a blue wine and a white coke... Green beer, green beer, blue wine, blue wine, white coke, white coke... Copyright by Caprisces Editora (Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil)
Carlos Aranha - E-mail: magno@zaitek.com.br - Brasil
Ai Jesus, não sou poeta Me encanta o canto De quem sabe poetar...
Edu vieira - francis@mdnet.com.br - Brasil
...And who is the one who's never wrong? And who is the one that can't feel wrong? And who is to say we have no bound? And who is who here and all around? WHO?
Fabrício Hadad. hadad@nautilus.com.br
carpe diem agrees with my soul although my mind is slow to follow
anne kramer, krameram@flyernet.udayton.edu USA
Bright neon lights swamp distant starlight.Shouts, screams, and yells seize the night air.
Isaac Brody ambrody@public3.bta.net.cn Beijing, China
AMOR Es entrega y posecion sin limite sin condicion ni tiempo.
Deep in the badlands of my mind what would you look for,try to find? fear,freedom,lust,and hate a lover I lost that might have been fate deep in the forest of my brain you would find that I am not sain I'm not inside out to show the real me to you I'm just what I want you to see that's fine with me it's what I choose deep in my soul you'll see I am brused deep in the ocean of my thought you would find all of the loves I've sought could you live with yourself knowing what you've found when you've searched my mind a world so profound deep in the the outskirts of my head you will know what I should have said,should have felt, should have done when on the outside I cower and run deep in the world that is my mind what would you look for and try to find?...
Adam Thomas Fleemanicp@mylink.netUnited States of America
reality is nonlocal, is it notwhy else do you smile when reading these wordsmy feelings now i give to you drink them up and restso sweet this life this love
johnnyjohnny johnbonz@usit.net USA
marina lima marina lima
WISH A wish of love from an empty heart. As passing moments come and go thou heart grows worry. I wish on a falling star from a new orleans night. The breeze of sweet blossums full my noise.. The weeping willow sways of a caress to my heart. As i gazedown the shore there sits a lady of great beauty. skin of pearls eyes of satfires, with lips of rose pedals. I start to move then are eyes meet it was true love. Her soul was lost and lonely like mine. As if are souls were one. As the years pass we come back to the same spot to wish on a star on a new orleans night. KB MIDNIGHT
kent william barberKB@pitnet.netUSA
There's a star that even is shinning in my soul But I don't know where she's now...but She's always with me The dreams never end, they changes *** I Love You Marci ***
Anderson Franco de Godoy - Brasil - 1997
BABY DOLLY (Ex Permato Zóide) Hello Dolly Hello Dolly Dolly uma Dolly duas Dolly tres ... QUEM DÁ MAIS??? Yes, hello Dolly It's so nice to see you back once Again...again...again...again...again...again...again... again...again...again...again...again...again... again...again...again...again...again... again...again...again...again... again...again...again... again...again... again... Jards Macalé97 BRASIL.
Jards Macalé / silv224@ibm.net / brasil