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Mahir For Sale - Please Look.
Item #163867430

Currently $55,000.00   First bid $10.00
Quantity 1   # of bids 19 (bid history) (with emails)
Time left 2 days, 13 hours +   Location Izmur, Turkey
Started 12/21/99, 22:44:36 PDT   envelope (mail this auction to a friend)
Ends 12/31/99, 22:44:36 PDT   gift (request a gift alert)
Seller Mahir Cagri (1) shades
  (view comments in seller's Feedback Profile)  (view seller's other auctions)  (ask seller a question)
High bid Moviemogul (2600)
Payment See item description for payment methods accepted
Shipping Seller will travel internationally, see item description for shipping charges
Note: Seller revised this item before first bid.

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller at mahir01@yahoo.com to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is dollar ($) but seller will accept lira. Current exchange rate is 530,450 lira for 1 U.S. dollar.

You are bidding on... Mahir
(The Turkish Stud)


I KISS YOU !!!!!

I like music , I have many many musicenstrumans my home I can play.

I like sport , swiming , basketball ,tenis , volayball ,walk .........

I like sex

I like travel I go 3-4 country every year I went , Germany , Nederland , Belgium , Austria , Denmark, Sweden , Hungary, Moldovia , Ukraina , Bulgaria , Romania , Macedonia, Azerbaijan , Georrgia , Iran ..... now America

America is very interesting city. I like mixed cultures and big buildings.

But people are all the same no matter color religion.

I like making interviews!

My profession fotojurnilist, I sexolgy doctora

I like to take foto-camera (amimals , towns , nice nude models andpeoples).....

My tall 1.84 cm (6.2 feet) My weight 78 kg. (Shipping is extra)

I live alone !!!!!!!!!

I like to be friendship from different country ..

I live in TURKEY -town IZMIR ...( 4 million peoples - near the sea - old history)...

Who is want to buy me I can invitate .....

I can stay your home ........ I speake turkish , english , rusian , I want to learn otherlanguage!

I like to take dollars, lira, andMastercard.

I kiss every woman's lips and every man's face!


Mahir For Sale - Please look. (Item #163867430)

Current bid $55,000.00
Bid increment $100.00
Minimum bid $55,100.00

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