Thanks for all the Excellent feedback! Here a few responses I have received.

From: Sam Hopkins (

I was just on you WWW server, and I just wanted to let you know that I think it is great. Very nice design.


Is that an occasional burst of black whimsy in your excellently designed and colored virtual artifacts? These are nice pages! Thank you.

From: Tad Weyland (

I did get a chance to see your site, and was very impressed. I liked the organic look of your work. So many others I've seen are just cold, digital,layers.

From: Jim Grimes (

Just wanted to say thanks for your artwork, and for putting it out there on the net. I've been collecting and enjoying it for about a year, just to show on my screen sort of randomly. Now I know where your Web page is, and that's a pleasant surprise for a Monday morning. And thanks for Ricky's picture - maybe it'll inspire my son.

From: John Martinez (

I liked viewing your work, especially sunking.gif. The sort of graphics you do are not quite my style (sorry, no offense intended), but they are moving. I'm into earthtones right now, with high contrast and superimposed black and white portraits on nature scenes. Good luck with Ricky - hope he doesn't eat the mouse.

From: Robert Brossa (

I'm looking for Aids related photos and art for a non-profit publication and came across this incredible art last sunday. It really took my breath away. If there is any chance I can publish some of your work it will be another source of exposure and will be going toward a great cause.

From: (Charlotte Geier )

Hey, Howdie! That's SOME Home Page... Had a little trouble getting there, but it was definitely worth the time.

From: Marketta Leino (

Jee, were full of snow... but I like your room and there is nothing wrong with your poems, either. But I never had a chance even to try surfing.

From: Jaimes Alsop (

Very professional layout, sharp graphics! The "look and feel" is great. Congratulations and keep up the good work. Best, J.

From: John Luszcz (

Your artwork is extremely impressive I especially like the abstract perspective of "The Sun Hermit". I feel it was worth my while to view your work. Thank you.

From: Robert Catan (rcatan@

I have only been on the net for a few days and am trying to figure out what default bookmarks to keep. I haven't seen anything better than the graphics I saw displayed here. I'm very impressed.

From: frontier (

I had to take the time to say I was very impressed with the visual page design as well as the imagery! It's hard to find well designed pages of good art. I was most impressed with Ricky's image though, I'll have to admit! I'd like to hook him up with my daughter Kasandra in about 10 years (she's 7). hehe. Thanks for the images.


I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed checking out your home page. It really shows a lot of work and pride in what you have done. I'm a beginer at the web and it's pages like yours that give us new folks on the block a chance to find the truly interesting and fun things out and about. By the way tell your son I liked his work. Thanks Much!!!

From: Todd C Robinson (

Hey! Pretty groovy page. Digital art is the way to go!

From: Gloria Cannon (

I love your paintings, especially Kokopelli #5, Fractual Crab, Spirt of the Hummingbird. The colors and designs are terrific. Do you exhibit somewhere (other than the Internet)?

From: Ed Gulley (

I like your work that I have downloaded ( ok not everything ). Well at any rate I am interested enough to download and you haven't lost me yet.