ARPANET Psiber SPACE (circa 1986)
This is the network of IMPs (Interface Message Processors) that comprised
the ARPANET in 1986. The ARPANET is history now, but thanks to the magic
of Pseudo-Scientific Visualization
and the ScriptX language and class
library from Kaleida Labs, you can now experience what it was like to
be free ranging packet hopping around the ARPANET in 1986!
This Pseudo-Scientific
Visualization of the ARPANET was woven by the ScriptX
language and class library from Kaleida Labs.
Select an IMP to jump into ARPANET Psiber
Space. You can also view Text or Large

aradc arpa
bbn63 bbn82
berk bragg
brx25 cca cit
cmu colns colum
css dcec dec
harv isi22
isi27 isi52
lbl2 linc mit44
mit6 mit77
mtr2 nsa2 purdu
rand rcc5 sac
sac2 sr107
sri12 sri2
sri51 stan
sumex texas
ucla udel uroch
us121 usc utah
wash wisc xerox