Light Dance
Scott deLahunta (sdela@ahk.nl)
Mon, 07 Sep 1998 18:56:50 +0200
>X-POP3-Rcpt: sdela@bom
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>Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 15:51:46 +0100
>Subject: Light Dance
>From: ds98@mttp.net.uk (ds98)
>To: liveart@mailbase.ac.uk, Cream@mmu.ac.uk, Idealist@mmu.ac.uk,
> stuartb@earthling.net
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>>From Monday 7 September ds98 makes a return to the Green Room (54-56
>Whitworth Street West, Manchester M1 5WW, 0161 950 5900):
>**Light Dance - Seth Riskin - 7/8 September 8pm FREE
>A UK exclusive performance by acclaimed American performer and academic
>Seth Riskin. Light Dance extends the performer's body movement into light
>phenomena in silent, space defining performance that brings viewers inside
>the dance . Sheets, lines, planes and circles of light cast to the
>boundaries of the room, tumbling and turning around viewers as he dances
>in otherwise total darkness, chromatic bodies casting rainbows into space,
>holographic forms and spaces that float around the body, revealed through
>the dance.
>10 Sept - Architecture As Flesh - Alex Bradley with Hilary Jones
>12 Sept - Interference - ghhilton/gorgeous co