lines of demarcation which do separate and protect each lot upon this planet,
whether settled presently or not, are not the only lines. They are not
the original lines. They are, I guess the analogy would be, the children
of the source lines. Maybe this is why the Progenitors are concerned. But
in the case of this Progenitor, she is involved because of the historical
implications. She is concerned for the future. I mean of the planet though
Ince declares the Progenitor seeks her own particular greater wealth and
greater power. It may be. There is no reason I can see which would preclude
Progenitor, from study and communication with colleagues, believes the
source lines may be tapped from within the Long Rift. She believes that
they must be tapped. I cannot say why, Gallett. I don't mean that I know
and can't say. I mean that I don't know. I don't understand it, not yet,
and the rider will speak no more to me about it.
I asked
her repeatedly, urgently, for if she enters and encounters manifold dangers
I have no knowledge with which to assist her. Her response was that she
did not want my attempted aid. Very particularly she did not want it.