The Progenitor's chest rose and fell slowly but steadily. She was pale but there were no marks upon her, no wounds, bruises, or burns. The fine metals and gems of her clothing gleamed in the light which grew so soft among the silken folds swathed about her couch.
        The rider's fingertip just brushed the screen. "This portion here."
 "Yes?" It was not the 1st time I had had to pry things from Ince piece by tiny reluctant piece.
        "It resembles a reaction to a stun blast. Inverted," she added.
        "It is like a stun reaction, though inverted?"
        "Yes. And incomplete. It resembles an imprinting."
        I frowned. "I don't understand. Explain this to me, rider, please."
        "Energy does it. It happened in the arena. In the rock. I saw it in my mind later, when I was with the lines. I saw that it had occurred in a portion of my mind but I performed the inversion because I am a rider and because I entered prepared. But the Progenitor had no defense against this when the lines initated emission in the arena. I believe she was there and that they struck her in attempting to conduit her as they did me."
        "Because she is not a rider they could not use her as conduit and she was struck down?"
        The rider nodded. "The force of the lines' impact was great enough to carry an energy pattern from the Progenitor. Similar to a bow shock wave imprinted with a portion of her vital energy. It traveled instantaneously across the arena. It would have carried on the imprinted pattern except I believe the lines neared a more compatible receptacle and the pattern was left shadowed there."
 I struggled to follow this. "Left the Progenitor's energy shadow, or imprint upon....rock?"
        "No." Ince looked away.
        "You? Rider?"
        "I was not there. Fion bears it."