What's In the Book?

The following is the

Contents for the




This tour will provide a sampling
of the art and text.


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A One-of-a-Kind, Book-as-Art Presentation

Copyright 1992 by Rebecca Alzofon. All Rights Reserved.

Sampling of the book reading experience:


As the winds blow over town...


For my father, who understands

Prelude Story

This day, in this land...


Dear [Artistic Director]...

The Ballet Story

Our story begins in a place where
there is little left from the Early Time.

Return to Entry Page for Ballet Proposal

You are in Proposals in the Idea Library

Also in the Idea Library:

Explanatory Comments

Study Collection

Museum Notes

What's New? | Shortcut
Entrances: | Studio | Alzofon Art Institute | Guest Wing, Link Room | Idea Library | Academy |

Rebecca Alzofon can be e-mailed at rebecca@art.net
This page created: August 19, 1996