Errol's Art Gallery

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Welcome to my gallery and studio! Hi, my name is Errol Lanier, I'm in my second year as an art
student at the Art Institute of Philadelphia. I'm enrolled in the
Computer/Traditional Animation Media Arts degree Program. I'm self-taught and have been drawing
since I was able to hold a pencil. However, it is only since December '94,
after a 10 year hiatus that I have started doing art again. I'm doing things I have never done before with excellent
results. ^_^ I work with a variety of drawing and paint
media. I'm now concentrating on bringing my work to "life" through 2d/3d animation.
Here is a sample of some recent drawings(few paintings) I've done. Most were done in the Manga/Anime style with my
trusty 2H and 2B Berol pencils and other drawing/painting media. I'm very broad when it come to subject matter to render.
I do a lot of character designs, but I like to render mechanical(mecha) designs the
most as seen below. I have some paintings also and will add them in the future.
Check back here every week or so for new images.
Note: To save disk-space and decrease time to download, some of the images are saved in JPEG format.
Unfortunately not all web browsers support in-line JPEG images. If you are experiencing problems viewing
images on various pages, you should consider using a web browser with JPEG
I want your feedback! :)
Comments, suggestions as to what you would like to see here on this page? Do not hesitate, you can leave me feedback
to, which is my
brother's account. You can find anime, video and other art related links on my home page.
The gallery there mirrors this one.
Please read the this notice and the one here on how these images
are to be used. There are some people who whould rather profit and take
credit for others hard work, thank you.
Please Sign The Guestbook!
You can find the guestbook here, so please take
the time to sign it and leave any comments. Thank you!
Manga/Anime and Other Images by Category
All images here are sorted by category. Be sure to check out all the pages!:)
- Bubblegum Crisis Characters and Mecha, characters and mecha related to the OAV series.
- Manga/Anime Characters, various non mecha characters.
- Other Mecha,the hardsuits, mobilesuits, etc... are here, some of which are my own design.
- Space/Aircraft and other Vehicles, various land, air and space craft are here.
- Projects and Other Stuff images that were done for individuals, other chars and class assignments.
- Fine Art Drawings, figure studies, other subjects and maybe some paintings(when finished).
- Eric's Mecha Works, Check out my brother's mechas! :)
Images added to pages since 10-95...
- hardsuit2_c.jpg
Projects and Other Stuff, this image is now in color.
- prisscel.jpg
Bubblegum Crisis Characters
Images added to pages since 11-95...
- kiyone.jpg
Manga/Anime Characters, Kiyone from Tenchi Muyo!
- ryoko.jpg
Manga/Anime Characters, Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo!
Images added to pages since 01-96...
- bay2scne.gif
Projects and Other Stuff, penciled background of ship bay.
- bayscene.gif
Projects and Other Stuff, penciled background of ship bay.
- bchscne.jpg
Projects and Other Stuff, background done as a cel.
- fldscene.gif
Projects and Other Stuff, penciled background with mecha.
- robot.gif
Projects and Other Stuff, "Housekeeper" type automaton.
Images added to pages since 02-96...
- hardturn.jpg
Fine Art Drawings, Airbrushed rendering of GP Motorbike with rider.
Images added to pages since 03-96...
- sknbikes.jpg
Space/Aircraft and other Vehicles, Six designs of Air Cycles.
- mtrike.jpg
Eric's Mecha Works, A futuristic Tricycle.
All images here are © 1995/1996 Errol Lanier
Last updated on March 17, 1996.