Professional Experience
Gallery of Iceland
Museum Aide/Public Information Assistant, summers 1989 - 91
Einar Jonsson Museum, Iceland
Gallery Aide/Public Information Assistant, spring 1991
The Nordic House Gallery of Iceland
Gallery Aide/Public Information Assistant, spring 1990
Morkinskinna, Iceland
Restoration/Conservation assistant, spring 1989
College of Arts and Crafts, CA
Now called" California College of the Arts"
BFA in Sculpture and Glass, May 1995
High Distinction
Icelandic College of
Arts and Crafts (MHÍ)
Now called "Iceland Academy of the Arts
Sculpture major, 1989-1991
Reykjavik School of Art
Supplementary art classes, 1989-1991
University of
Medical studies 1987-1988
Icelandic Art History 1989
vid Hamrahlid
Icelandic college/biology major (Associates Degree). 1982-1987
Special Studies
Glass School, WA
Summer session
Bertil Vallien, Apprenticeship in Hot Glass Casting
Summer session 1994
Steven Paul Day, A Collage Approach
Summer session 1994
Gene Koss, Casting Devices for Sculpture
Stone Carving, Randy Goni , CA1995-97
Stone Carving, Patricia Benton Jones, CA 1998
Blacksmithing, Jimmie Alexander, NC 2000
Blacksmithing, John Amero, NC 2002
Metal Sculpture, Kevin Eichner, NC 2003
Honors and Awards
- 2005- 3rd place sculpture, Best of North Carolina Artists and
Artisans book series, Kennedy Promotions, Williamsburg,VA
- 2004 - Merit Award.19th Annual
Indoor/Outdoor Sculpture
Celebration( juror Katherine Huntoon ), Lenoir, NC
- 2003 - Merit Award.18th Annual
Indoor/Outdoor Sculpture
Celebration( juror Carla Hanzal ), Lenoir, NC
- 2002 - Merit Award.17th Annual
Indoor/Outdoor Sculpture
Celebration( juror Linda Johnson Dougherty ), Lenoir, NC
- 2002 -
Best in show award. 45th National Juried show, Rocky Mount Art
Center, NC
- 2002 - Merit
Award, Sculpture on the Green, Chapel Hill, NC
- 2001 - Merit
Award, Sculpture on the Green, Chapel Hill, NC
- 1997 - Honorable Mention Awards in Trash to Treasure show,
East Bay Depot, CA
- 1997 - 3-rd place sculpture.
Tracy Community Center, CA
- 1996 - 6 months grant from the Icelandic government (Starfslaun
- 1996 - Residence, John Michael Kohler
Art Center, Sheboygan, WI
- 1995 - Emerging Artist-in-Residence, Pilchuck Glass School,
- 1995 - CCAC Saxe Scholarship, Pilchuck Glass School
- 1995 - Best of Show. Open Craft and Sculpture, Marin Society
of Artists, CA, (April)
- 1995 - Scholarship, California Conference for the Advancement
of Ceramic Art. Davis, CA
- 1994 - Nominated for the Corning prize at Pilchuck Glass
- 1994 - CCAC Partnership Scholarship, Pilchuck Glass
- 2007 - Tri State Sculptors group Scholarships.
Group Exhibitions
- CCA: Sculpture Selections. 100th Aniversary Exhibition.
Sculpturesite gallery, SF, CA (Jan. 27th- April 7th)
- California College of the Arts: A Legacy in Studio Glass, San
Francisco Museum of Craft + Design, SF, CA, (Jan 28th- April
- Form in Translation, A Feminine Perspective on the Third
Dimension. Meredith College Raleigh, NC (Oct 29th - Dec 3rd)
- Summer show at the Glance Gallery, Raleigh, NC (12 June-
August ?)
- Timeless techniques- remarkably modern, Nordic 5 Arts,600
Townsend @ 7th SF, CA (March 9th - April 19 th)
- Emerging Artist from Pilchuck Exhibition, Ariana Gallery,
Royal Oak, MI ( April 18-? still work there )
- Art in
the Garden, Hillsboro, NC (May
6 and 7th)
- Come Out and Play 4th Annual Outdoor Sculpture Show. JimGin
Farm grounds, Chatham County, NC (August 26th and each weekend in
Sept. )
- Where there is smoke..Ceramic and Glass, Turchin Center for
the Visual Arts, Boone, NC ( July 1 - Oct.1 )
- Art in the Garden, Hillsboro, NC (fyrst weekend in May)
- Story Tellers, The Glass Museum Eebeltoft, Ebeltoft, Denmark (
March 5th - April 24th)
- Gender in Motion, The women's caucus for art 2005 national
juried exhibition, 3 Ten Hauststudio, Atlanta, Ga. Juror: Emma
Amos (Febr 14th -March 15th)
- Pushing Boundaries, Nordic 5 Arts, 600 Townsend, SF, CA (Jan.
6- Febr. 25th)
- Suitcase Exchange Show , (traveling Show)
1. Artstation, 1 Ponsonby Rd, Newton, Auckland, (August
2. The Percy Thompson Gallery, Miranda St, Stratford, New
Zealand, (Oct.24 - Nov. 17)
3. Expressions Arts and Enertainment Centre, Upper Hutt,
New Zealand (Nov. 20- Jan '06)
- 50th Annual juried art show. Juror Carrie Przybilla. Durham
Arts Guild. Durham, NC (Nov. 12th- Dec. 16th)
- The Curators Choice, The Upstairs Gallery, Tryon, NC ( Oct
28th - Dec 18th)
- Woman's Craft show, 3rd Annual indoor and outdoor show,
Carrboro, NC ( 7 Sept.)
- Come Out and Play 3rd Annual Outdoor Sculpture Show. JimGin
Farm grounds, Chatham County, NC (August 28 and each weekend in
Sept. )
- Tri State Sculptors Annual Members Exhibition, Saw Tooth
Gallery, Winston Salem, NC (Sept- Oct)
- INFUSION, 4th Annual Women's Caucus for Art of Georgia
Exhibition,The Defoor Center, NW, Atlanta (June 18th - July
- Art in the Garden, Hillsboro, NC (fyrst weekend in May)
- Self Portrait Project 2004.The Century Center, The Orange
County Art Commission, Chapel Hill, NC ( April 1 - May 26)
- The Bleecker Street Gallery, The MXD Media Sculptors Group,
Carrboro, NC ( Febr.13th - March 11)
- Suitcase Exchange Show , (traveling Show)
1.Burroughs Wellcome Gallery at ECU School of Art,
(January 12 - January 23)
2.CCA , Kinston, NC, (~March 11 - April 24)
3.Transylvania County Arts Council's Community Arts Center
Gallery, Brevard, NC, May 21 - June 28, 2004.
- Seagrove North Carolina Pottery Center (NCPC), Seagrove, NC,
(Oct. 7th - Nov.13th)
- Wired (An Invitational Challenge) Lamps
by Area Artists. Moring
Arts Center. Asheboro, NC (October
- 18th Annual
Indoor/Outdoor Sculpture
Celebration, Lenoir, NC ( Sept. 5-6)
- Suitcase Exchange Show , (traveling Show)
1.REDUX Gallery, Charleston, SC.(Oct. 10 - Nov. 6)
2.Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC, (August 15
&endash; Oct. 2)
- The Best of Clay Works, Clay Makers, Durham, NC
- Tri State Sculptors Annual Members Exhibition, Gaddy-Hamrick
Gallery, Meredith College, Raleigh, NC (Sept 21- Nov 2)
- Ana 32, Holter
Museum of Art. Helena, Montana (August 19- October 26)
- Off the Wall. Elon University, Elon, NC ( August 5- October
- 3rd
Annual Women's Caucus for Art of Georgia Members
Show,Fine Arts Gallery,
Kennesaw State University, Georgia, (June 12-24)
- Sambond Islands. Traveling Exhibition in Iceland. Pakkhusid,
- 1st. jured
outdoor sculpture show , Myrtle Beach, SC, (June 7-8)
- 9th Annual Artists' Hang-Up, Green
Hill Center, Greensboro.NC (-June 6)
- Art
in the Garden, Hillsboro, NC (fyrst weekend in May)
- Group show, The Glass Museum Ebeltoft, Ebeltoft, Denmark (
April 12th - Sept. 14th)
- Thau bidja ad heilsa-Islendingar erlendis, Opna Gallerid,
Reykjavik, Iceland (Febr. 28th-March 2)
- Carol Woods, The MXD media Sculptors Group, Chapel Hill, NC (
Febr.8th- March)
- Nordic5Arts. Hayward City Hall, Hayward, CA(Jan 8th-Febr.
- Hunters of the North. Traveling Exhibition to Eight Countries.
Municipal Museum. Iceland( June 15th - Sept 30th 2003)
- Sambond Islands. Traveling Exhibition in Iceland. Hafnarborg
museum, Hafnarfjordur, Iceland ( Nov. 30--Dec 22)
- Function
+ Art, PRISM Contemporary Glass Gallery, Chicago. IL ( Oct 29
- April)
- SOFA expo, Art +Function / PRISM Gallery, Chicago IL (Oct
- Thrive, Womens Caucus for Art of Georgia,
Georgia Perimeter College, GA (Sept
26 - Oct 18th)
- Orange County Open Studio Tour ( two first weekends of
- 15th Annual Sculpture in the Garden, North Carolina Botanical
Garden (Sept. 9 - Nov. 22)
- 17th
Annual Indoor/Outdoor
Sculpture Celebration. Juror: Linda Johnson
Dougherty, J.E. Broyhill
Park 509 Ridge Street, Lenoir, NC
(Sept. 6th -
- 13th Annual New Show (never exhibited works). Visual Art
Exchange. Raleigh.NC (Sept 6-28)
- La Ti Dough Gallery, Chapel Hill, NC( August 20th - Sept
- Willow Walk Exhibition The Willow Brook Park, Alamance County
Arts Council , Burlington, NC( June 8th)
- Parts of Willow Walk Exhibition continues ,Captain White
House.NC ( June 9th - July 6th)
- Grounds
for Sculpture, Tri-State Sculpture group show, NJ
- Sambond Islands. Traveling Exhibition in Iceland, Pakkhusid,
Olafsvik ,Iceland (June 7- July 1)
- 45th National Juried Show, Rocky Mount Art Center, Rocky
Mount, NC (May 11 - June 10)
- LOOM2.
Chatham Label Mill, Pittsboro. NC (April 27 - May 18)
- Sculpture
on the Green. Chapel Hill, NC campus. NC( April 20-21)
- Form
and Idea, A New Leaf Gallery, Berkeley, CA (8 April - May
- Governors Club, Chapel Hill, NC, MXD Media Sculptors Group
(Dec-Jan 2002)
- "Origins," WCA/GA's 1st. Annual Members Show, Barbara
Archer Gallery, Atlanta.GA(Nov 8-10)
- Orange County Open Studio Tour, (Nov 3-4,10-11)
- Tri-State Sculpture Group Exhibition, Longwood Center for the
Visual Arts, Farmville, Virginia (Sept. 29-Nov. 3)
- 14th Annual Sculpture in the Garden, North Carolina Botanical
Garden (Sept. 15 - Nov. 16)
- 16th
Annual Indoor/Outdoor
Sculpture Celebration. Juror: Norman
Keller. J.E. Broyhill Park
509 Ridge Street, Lenoir, NC (Sept.
7th - 8th)
- 7 Sculptors, Arts & Things, Morehead City, NC ( June 7 -
June 21)
- Celebration,
Group show, Durham, NC. (May 12-13)
- Chapel Hill Public Arts Commision ,Sculpture
on the Green, UNC campus, Chapel Hill, NC (April 21-22)
- 7th Annual Artists' Hang-Up, Green
Hill Center, Greensboro.NC (April 8 - April
- Raleigh Fine
Arts Society, 23
Annual Exhibition, Meredith College, Raleigh,NC (Febr. 25 -
April 8th) Juror : Miriam Schapiro.
- Rocky Mount Art Center, Converging
Cultures, Rocky Mount , NC (Febr 17- March 25)
- The Women's Center, 17th Annual Juried Exhibition, Chapel
Hill, NC (Febr 9 -16 )
- CCA, Community Council for the Arts Exhibition, Kinston, NC
(Jan 25 - March 9)
- Celebrating 10 years of Artists in Residenc at Pilcuck Glass
School, Tacoma
art museum. Tacoma, WA (Oct 8 - Jan 2001)
- Surplus, show at The
Crucible, Berkeley, CA (Sept 16 - Nov)
- Group show . Glass, A New Leaf Gallery, Berkeley, CA
Icelandic artists, at IMF on 700 19th Street, N.W. Washington
DC(Oct 13th - Nov 30 2000)1,
, 3
, 4 ,
- The Durham Art Guild, Juried Group show, Durham, NC ( August
14th - Sept. 14th)
- The Durham Art Guild, Student show, Metal and Ceramic, Druham,
NC ( June 18 - July 18)
- The Durham Art Guild 45th Annual Art Show, CCB Visual Arts
Gallery, Durham, NC(June 17 - July 14)
- Chapel Hill Public Arts Commision ,Sculpture
on the Green. UNC campus, Chapel Hill, NC (April 29-30)
- Earth Day, Greensboro main Library, Greensboro, NC
- Sweet Arts Party 2000 (auction), Durham Art Guild. Durham,
NC.(Febr. 5th)
- Gallery Fold. "Margt smátt" (small wallwork show)
Icelandic artists (Febr. 5 - Febr.20)
- Handcrafted, Juried Group show, Rocky Mount Art Center (Keel
house), Rocky Mount, NC ( Jan. 9 - Febr.13)
- Group Show
at MIE Gallery, Durham, 908 West Main St. (Nov 16 - July 15th
- Juried
group show. Durham Art Guild. Curator Kathleen Hardwood.
Durham. NC (Nov 2- Des 5)
- Through the Door Revisited.5th annual PRSG show, Curator Jeff.
Nathanson, SF, CA (Sept. 9-Oct. 29)
- Group show . A New Leaf Gallery, Berkeley, CA ( Sept 8 - on a
continuating basis)
- Sculpture 1999. Henry Miller Library at Big Sur, CA (Sept 25-
Nov 25)( work still there on display)
- Traditions
in Transition. Myrtle Beach, Franklin G. Burroughs- Simeon
B.Chaplin Art Museum. South Carolina (Oct 5 - Nov 14)
- Glass Matters. Gensler Arcitecture Firm in SF (Sept 8- Oct
alumnai show at 250 Dalziel building ,Oakland ( Sept 9 - Nov.
- Show at Mill
Valley Sculpture Garden, Mill Valley, CA (August - on a
continuating basis)
- Ruth
Banckroft Garden, Group show, Walnut Creek. CA, (June 18 -
- Showcase
of Art& Eco-Friendly Technology in Community Gardens.Group
show, Berkeley. CA ( May 22 - 23)
- 1999 Open Craft & Sculpture Show, Marin Society of
Artists, Marin Art& Garden Center, Ross, CA (May 8 - May
- Recycled Art Show, Group Show, San Leandro and Alameda
Recycling. San Leandro, CA (April 18 - 25)
- Through
Different Eyes. Group Show, Concord Gallery, Concord, CA ( May
12 - June 26)
- Pacific Rim Sculptors: Diversity
in Sculpture. Group show
at Hayward City Hall Gallery &
Rotunda.CA (April 27 - June 25)
- Container
Vessel Shelter Home. PRSG show. Curator Clay Jensen. 600
Townsend ,former Contract Design Center (April 22 - June 11)
- Passages.
A New Leaf Gallery, Group Show. Gilman St. Berkeley, CA
(March 6 - April 18)
- Group show, A New Leaf Gallery, Group Show. Gilman St.
Berkeley, CA (March)
- Presence
(The PRSG Winter Show.) Contract Design Center. San Fransisco.
(Jan 14 - Febr 26 1999) Curator Marvin Schenck.
- Group Show. A New Leaf Gallery. Berkeley, CA (Des 10-March 3)
- Voyage.
The Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, 10 Nordic 5'Arts members.
(Des 8 - Jan 31 (1999))
- Group show, Nordic 5'Arts, Claudia
Chapline Gallery,Stinson Beach,CA (June 6-July 19)
- DACA Membership Show, Danville Gallery, Danville, CA (May
16-June 13)
- DACA-Outreach sculpture, Brentwood,CA,(May
9- 31)
- DACA-Show, Heather
Farms, CA ( Weekend show)
- Trash to Treasures,East
Bay Depot for Crative Re-Use.Oakland, 1515 Webster St.(May
- Woman's Art .An Homage to Inspiration. Danville
Fine Arts Gallery. Danville,CA (March 7 - Apr. 18)
- PRSG show, SOMAR
Gallery, SF, CA (Jan 2-24)
- Saving Grace, A
New Leaf Gallery, Berkeley,CA (Nov 1- Jan 25 '98)
- PRSG Third Annual Juried Members Exhibition, Contract Design
Center,CA, Curator Bella Feldman (Sept 11- Oct 31)
- Group show,Virginia Breier Gallery, SF,CA (Sept-June '98)
- PRSG Group show, Claudia
Chapline Gallery, Stinson Beach, CA (May 97 -July 98)
- Summer Show, Joan
Roebuck Gallery, Lafayette,CA (July 17 - August 17)
- Trash to Treasure, 5th annual junk-art competition and
exhibition by East Bay Depot Berkeley Art Center,Berkeley,CA (July
17-July 27)
- Cross
Cultural Connections, Vorpal Gallery, SF, CA (June 11 - Oct
- Matter of Form, Bolinas Museum, Bolinas, CA (May 9 - June
- PRSG show (25 members), Claudia Chapline Gallery, Stinson
Beach, CA (May 9 - June 29)
- 1997 Open Sculpture & Crafts Exhibition. Marin Society of
Artists, Ross, CA (May 4 - 25)
- Expressions.
Curator: Jack Cassinetto. Tracy Community Center. Tracy, CA (1-7
- The Gift Show. Off Center Gallery. Berkeley. CA (Nov. 15 '96 -
Jan. 30 '97)
- Sculpture show, PRSG Exhibition, Henry
Miller Library at Big Sur,CA (Sept 28 '96 - febr. '97 )
- California Small Works 1996.Curator: Phil Linhares (Chief
Curator for Oakland Museum). California Museum of Art, Santa Rosa
CA. (Oct.16 -Dec. 22).
- Boy Art, Girl Art. Off Center Gallery, Berkeley. CA (Sept .6 -
Nov. 1 )
- Group show. Gallery
Fold, Reykjavik, Iceland (Oct.96- Jan. 97)
- Young and the Restless. Bucheon
Gallery. 355 Hayes St. SF.(Jul. 26 -31 Aug.)
- The Pacific Rim .PRSG Members Show. Curator Peter Selts.
(Sept. 6-Oct.23)
- Six,
Friesen Gallery, Seattle, WA ( May-June)
- Six,
Friesen Gallery, Ketchum,Idaho (May-June)
- Mother Lode,PRSG. Ironstone
Vineyards, Murphys.CA (May 96-Jan. 97)
- Group show. Dorothy
Weiss Gallery, San Francisco, CA (April)
- Strictly Sculpture. Orange County Center for Contemporary Art,
Santa Ana, CA (Sept. 20-Oct. 20)
- Nordic 5 arts. The
Turlock City Arts Commission. Carnegie Arts Center, Turlock,
CA (Sept. 7-29)
- The Strong Clear Line. Nordic 5 Arts. Timothy Higbee Gallery.
30 Rose St., San Francisco, CA (June 15-July 29)
- Through the Door. Pacific Rim Sculptors Group first annual
juried members exhibition, Contract Design Center 600 Townsend
St., San Francisco, CA. Curator: SF MOMA Rental Gallery (May
18 - July 1)
- Light & Glass. 1995 Avenue of the Arts, Manor House
Gallery, San Mateo County Arts Council, Belmont, CA (April 28 -May
- Glass Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition. Irwin Gallery CCAC
(April 17-21)
- Sculpture & Crafts Exhibition. Marin Art & Garden
Center, Ross, CA (April 1-30)
- PRSG members show. Hitachi Data Systems Corporation, Santa
Clara, CA (April 11-July 11)
- California
Clay Competition. A statewide juried exhibition.Curator: Peter
VandenBerge The Artery. 207 G St., Davis, CA (April 7 -May 6)
- Utilitarian
Functional Art Works. Lookout Urban Space West, Susanne Wibroe
Studios, 333 Bryant St., Suite 190, San Francisco, CA
(1 March -1 April)
- Bay Area Student Show. Margaret Douglas Gallery, Sonoma, CA
(Febr. 19 -March 25)
- Sculpture Projects Senior Show. Irwing Gallery CCAC, Oakland,
CA (Febr. 19-25)
- Group show. Dorothy Weiss Gallery, San Francisco, CA
- CVA 4th Annual Membership Exhibition. Center for the Visual
Arts, (May 23 - June 28)
- CCAC Metal Arts/Jewelry Department Exhibition. Velvet da Vinci
Gallery, San Francisco, CA (May 13 - June 5)
- The 1994 National Student Exhibition. The Glass Arts Society
Jack London Square, Oakland, CA (March 18-20)
- CCAC student glass show. Irwing Gallery CCAC (March
- Works by Master Glass Artist, their Assistants, Apprentices
and Students. California Contemporary Crafts, Corte Madera, CA
(March 8 - April 16)
- Tribute
to Light , Contemporary Glass Works. Center for the Visual
Arts, Oakland, CA (March 6 - April 5)
- International Student Exhibition. Irwing Gallery, CCAC, CA
(Febr. 14-18)
- International Student Exhibition. Irwing Gallery, CCAC, CA
(April 18-24)
- 2006 Seekers.Wriston
Art Center Galleries, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin
(Sept. 22- Oct. 29)
- 2003 So
Many II. Carrboro Art Center, Carrboro, NC (September 3 -
October 18)
- 2003 So Many
I, Princeton, NJ( April19 - May 16 )
- 2002 The Many Faces of Eve. Duke Eye Center Show Case, Durham,
NC, (June 22 - August 28)
- 2001 Reuse, Durham Department of Solid Waste
Management, Durham, NC ( Sept.10 - Sept.
- 2000 Skulptur
at Gallery Fold, Iceland, (September 16 - Oct. 1)
- 1999 Sculpture,
Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA, (July 17 - September 4)
- 1998 Fra
steinum til steina, Gerdarsafn, Kopavogur Museum, Iceland
(Aug.8 -30)
- 1996 Form,
solo show, Gallery Stödlakot, Reykjavík, Iceland (Aug.
3 -18)
- 1995 Bátsform,
IPW gallery CCAC, Oakland ,CA (photo/sculpture) (Apr.30-May
Two, Three Man and Subfeature
- 2006 Synergy, Two man show, Rocky Mount Art Center, Rocky
Mount, NC ( Dec - Jan. 2007 )
- 2006 Untitled, sub feature, Glance Gallery, Raleigh, NC ( 20
Jan.- Febr.)
- 2006 Untitled, Two man show, The Sculpture Site Gallery, SF,
CA (14 Jan.- 18 March)
- 2004 Mixed Matters. Three man show, Moring Arts Gallery,
Asheboro, NC ( 2 Jan. - 1 Feb.)
- 2002 Resonance in
3D. Three man show. DAG, Durham, NC ( April 4 - May 12)
- 2001 Untitled, Two man show, Horace Williams House, Chapel
Hill, NC (Oct .28-Nov.28)
- 1994 Looking
in, looking out. Two man show (photo/sculpture) Irwin Gallery
CCAC, Oakland, CA (Oct.31 - Nov. 4 )
- 1994 Two
man show at the Diamond Markt, San Francisco, CA (Dec.1994
-Jan. 1995)
Represented by
Work in collections (celection)
- Terrana collection, Wellesley, MA
- Kohler Company, Kohler, Wisconsin
- John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
- Sjómannaskóli
Íslands (Maritime School of Iceland)
- Skeljungur (Shell Oil in Iceland)
- Reykjavik Art Museum (Kjarvalstadir) Iceland
- Thróunarsetrid , Isafjördur (Iceland)*
- Thorsteinn Már Baldvinsson collection ,Akureyri
- Elton John collection, GA
- Orkustofnun Húsavíkur,
Húsavíkurbær (Energy department-Iceland)*
- Taraffin Companies,USA
- Rocky Mount Art Center, Rocky Mount, NC
- Glasmuseet
Ebeltoft, Denmark
- The Briggs Collection, NY
- Alamance County Arts Council, Graham, NC
* The work was unvailed by the president of Iceland
In Publications
- Best of North Carolina Artists and Artisans book series,
Kennedy Promotions, Williamsburg,VA 2005
- The Sculpture Reference, by Arthur Williams. Visit www.SculptureBooks.com
for more info. 2004
- The Contemporary Glass Art of the World, by Wang Jian-Zhong,
- Contemporary
Warm Glass, by Brad Walker, 2000
- Modern Ceramic Art, by Simon Ho, 2003 ( see my pages I,
II )
- Cooking With Glass, by Bert
Weiss, pending
- Design Magazine, Kuwait, 6 page article by Sahar, April
- Fusion
Magazine, Canada, Teck Talk colum, Glass Casting in Clay
Molds. page 22, September, 2004
Web Magazines:
Lectures/Panels/Workshops/Demos/on line
- Lecture/ demo. GAS conference, June 9, 2007
- Panel discussion Meredith College, Raleigh, NC (2006)
- Lecture at Lawrence University, WA, In conjuction with the
solo show "Seekers"
I am planing to put lecture on line.(2006)
- www.artopia.org
2004 ( to see my
- Workshop:Tri-State sculptors group and SECAC joint conference,
Raleigh, NC 2003
- Lecture/demo: ClayWorks, NC 2000
- Lecture: Gallery Fold, Reykjavik, Iceland 2000
- Lecture: Tri-State sculptors group conference, Myrle Beach, SC
- Lecture/panel at CCAC, CA1996
- Lecture. CCAC glass department, CA 1997
- Two Lectures at Kohler while in residency, WI 1996
Since '94
Since '95
Since '97
Since '99
Since '00
Since '01
- NCECA (The
National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) (to '02)
- The Chapel Hill Artist Guild (OCAG)
(to '04)
- Women's Caucus for Art (Georgia)
(to '05)
Since '02
- International Sculpture Center (ISC)

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