Harbin Hot Springs Water

The pools...

About our water...

Where does Harbin's water come from?

How are the pools heated?

What keeps the pool water clean?

Does Harbin recycle any of its water?

The Pools at Harbin...

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About our water...

It's a sad comment that the term "tap water" has become associated with chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals that have little to do with water. When it comes to drinking water, many of us now trust only the bottled spring variety... pure uncarbonated water that bubbles up from the Earth untouched by humans.

The beauty of Harbin's water supply is that our tap water is actually 100% spring water. Some of the more elegant spas in our area pump their water from man-made wells or, worse yet, rely on chlorine-treated water from municipal water supplies. Here at Harbin, more than 36,000 gallons of mineral water flow daily from seven natural springs on our property to you. Pure and simple.

The waters of Harbin

That means that you soak in natural hot spring water during your visit here. You swim in cold spring water. You drink it from our fountains. You brush your teeth with it. You cook with it, shower in it, even flush toilets with it.

Our licensed Water Masters maintain the system of pipes, sand filters and holding tanks to assure an uninterrupted flow of water throughout the year. In conjunction with independent laboratories, they also monitor the turbidity and purity of our water on an ongoing basis. Recent test results have shown our tap water to be superior in quality to the bottled variety from one of our more famous neighbors. We're not surprised. If paying a dollar for a liter of water makes you feel better, make a contribution to your favorite charity in the name of Harbin.

So drink it up. Splash it around. Soak in it. Fill an empty bottle or two for the ride home. We're glad to serve only "nature's finest" at our humble retreat. Enjoy!

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Where does Harbin's water come from?

Although there are numerous tiny springs all over the hills, seven springs are currently being used by our water system: two hot springs (one sulphur, one iron) feed our hot/warm pool complex; four cold soda springs feed the other pools and our main "tap water" tanks; and one warm arsenic spring (with only a trace of the mineral) which flows into the tiny footbath beside the warm pool.

The Springs of Harbin

The water originates as rainwater filtering down through the aquifer and ancient water trapped in the aquifer from the times when Lake County was a prehistoric sea.

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How are the pools heated?

According to Pier, our pool system supervisor, two natural hot mineral springs are the heart of the Hot and Warm Pool complex. These springs arise from deep within the earth where volcanic action heats the waters, with resulting steam pressure forcing the waters upward. We capture the springs just before they reach the surface, combine and filter the water, and then pipe it into the Hot Pool at a rate of about 14 gallons per minute... over 800 gallons an hour!

The Hot Pool

Amazingly, no man-made heating system is required for these two pools. Although the water has cooled considerably by the time it reaches us and fills the Hot Pool, the resulting pool temperature is approximately 115F. The hot water overflow from the Hot Pool is fed to the Warm Pool at about 14 gallons per minute, supplying both heat and water refreshment. This maintains the Warm Pool temperature at 95 to 98 F., depending upon the season.

The Warm Pool

The Heart Pool, Cold Plunge and Swimming Pool, in contrast, are filled and refreshed with pure cold water from the same springs that feed our drinking supply. The temperature in the Heart Pool is maintained at 95 to 98F by an energy-efficient heat pump system. The temperatures of the Cold Plunge and Swimming Pool are left up to Mother Nature.

The Cold Pool & The Swimming Pool

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What keeps the pool water clean?

Water is constantly being pumped from all pools and passed through a state-of-the-art treatment system using absolutely no chlorine. Instead this system combines sand filters, peroxide and ozone (peroxone) injection, and ultra-violet sterilizers to remove all foreign matter and bacteria before recirculating the water back to the pools.

The waters of the Warm Pool

More than 75 gallons per minute are passed through this system from the Warm Pool alone, assuring that its water is completely cleaned and replaced every two and a half hours. The Cold Plunge water is replaced every hour.

Of course, all pool walls are scrubbed, the bottoms vacuumed, and the water surface skimmed on a regular basis. The pools are occasionally emptied completely to facilitate larger maintenance and repair projects.

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Does Harbin recycle any of its water?

One of the many Gardens

In addition to being recirculated through the pool systems, a percentage of our "used" water is reclaimed to feed the lawn sprinklers operated on the mainside area.

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