This following artist's studio/gallery room is now being reviewed by artists here on Art on the Net.
Studio URL (web address) is:
Once you have visited this space, please fill out the form below which allows you to give constructive critiques and feedback to the email list.
Your Review:
What was your overall impression of this artist's space?
How would you rate this studio/gallery room under current review? You can rate the space with words and numbers:
None Just Ok Great Awesome
none 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (best)
Page Layout Image Quality Background Color/Pattern Color Coordination Overall Content Ease of Navigation Sound Quality Artist Personal Information other (please include in your message below)
About Yourself:
Please note the type of computer, browser and connection you used while surfing the site that you reviewed.
Computer you surfed with: (pc, mac, etc)
Browser type: Netscape Mosaic NetCruzer (Netcom) AOL other
Surfing speed: 2400 baud modem 9.8 baud modem 14.4 baud modem 28.8 baud modem 56K baud Link ISDN Link (128K baud Link) T1 (1.5 mbits) or better
As an artist, my medium is:
Note: This review process is only open to artists who are on and is only for reviewing artists on our site.
Thanks for joining our reviews process! Please send any suggestions or ideas you may have about this form or the review process to the