Re: Interesting article on Net Art...

Tom Coffin (
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 15:15:06 -0600 (CST)

couldn't get past the first paragraph. The
concept of this new age of interactivity
is still not understood. scanning the rest...

These people checking their email are the art!
Cultural historian Andreas Broeckmann needs
to remove himself from the traditional dogma of
They have a living piece of work existing
in front of their eyes and they do not
recognize it's value.

Modern Art does not refer to the present.
It refers to traditional art works made from
the 1900-1980's

Like painting in the early 20's,

Film is dead!

Visualization has encountered computational technology
which provides user control and interaction. The codes
and language of art are evolving.

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Lile Elam wrote:

> :)
> -lile
