RE: Help with mail service info ("")
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 20:40:51 -0400 (EDT)

e-mail service info....

Tired of endlessly posting your ad to ONLINE CLASSIFIED SITES
that don't get the results you need? The fact is there are over 7000
such sites scattered about the web and frankly none of them
generate enough traffic to be worth your while. Even when
someone does find or visits one of these sites, your ad is hopelessly
lost in a myriad of similar offerings.

Another frustration is search engines. If you are not in the Top 10
forget about high traffic visiting your web site. Not everyone can be
in the Top 10 and stay there, when there are estimates of 4 million
that have a web pages. You ask, how do we know? That's exactly
what we used to do.

The greatest way of marketing this century is undoubtedly direct e-mail.
It's similar to the postman delivering a letter to your mailbox. There is NO
stumbling on to it! The ability to promote your product, service, website,
or MLM/Network Marketing opportunity to millions instantly is what
advertisers have been dreaming of for over 100 years. We will e-mail your
one page promotion to a list of our general addresses. The greatest part is,
it's completely affordable.

NOTICE: No pornography, chain letters, get quick rich, pyramid scheme,
or any threatening or questionable materials. Don't even Ask!!

Fax (520) 438-2702 to inquire about direct e-mail pricing.


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Address: ____________________________________________________

City: __________________________ State: ______ Zip: ______________

Country: _______________

Email Address: _______________________________________________

Phone: __________________________