PRSG Member Julia Kay
ADDRESS: 1115 32nd Street, Oakland, CA USA
PHONE: (510)420-0436
MEDIA: Painted plywood, terracotta.
SIZE OF WORK: From 4 inches to 10 feet tall.
SPECIAL NOTE: More work by Julia Kay:
Super Bull Terrier Woman at Rest

Julia Kay is primarily a " flat" artist, though recently she has also been venturing into 3D. As a child she declared her intent to be a clown, veterinarian, writer of children's stories. In college she announced herself as Artist, Feminist, Vegetarian. She has been a student of calculus at a high school of music and art, and an art institute graduate student supporting herself by computer programming. She has called herself Painter, Photographer, Traveller. She is a maker of objects and a maker of silences.

Torso, 1998 Aaron, 1997 Big Butt Woman, 1998