This emphasized to me in a new way exactly why a good, rare guide is so
essential in the adequate preparation of forming riders. The quality of
the guide makes far more difference than I ever expected. Ince spoke of
this at greater length than would be usual for her because several evenings
before this Vryyh had entered our tent and revealed to us that Fion was
1 of her children with the Progenitor.
she asked Ince to consider taking up her guidance. Vryyh thinks Fion can
become a rare rider and Fion will enter the service. That might at 1 time
have been enough to make the rider overcome her loathing of everything
pertaining to the Progenitor but now I don't know if it will. She has not
yet given any indication of the decision she has reached if indeed she
may be devoting all to this task here in the Rift.
It is singular, Gallett. It is, by my guess, the most difficult thing ever
attempted by a rider. I try not to think too deeply in this vein or I become
filled with dread and am afraid for Ince.
Progenitor did not come here to penetrate the Rift and sift its treasures,
its resources, and whatever else she generally performs upon being granted
a program. The rider says she has extensive mining interests. Which reminds
me: I'm sure you know this and are holding but do not reinstate permission
to continue at the construction site until this job here has been completed.
Ince believes there is a connection.
I can
scarcely stretch my mind around what that is.
see, Gallett, there is some portion of our planetary history which is now
historical lore heatedly debated among Progenitors and some riders as well
though from their differing perspectives. It is not even known to us. At
least to me. You may have touched it now and again since according to the
rider some politicals and governing officials have been inducted into a
favored echelon of those who know because the Progenitors concerned do
need at times legal permissions, alliances, that sort of thing.