"No, she has gone."
a way it was a relief. I don't know that I could have faced her then. She
was sure to pin me mercilessly, rail at me, denounce me. She would remain
outraged because I had acted without 1st consulting her. She was right
but I could not have endured what I had had to do to Prescott, what was
against the heart source of our culture and far more, against all I was
as rider, I could not have done that if I had had to do battle with Vettra
1st. She was tenacious, unforgiving, shrewd, adamant. She would have worn
me down.
she accept it?"
Gallett finished her soup and placed her cup beside mine. "She was upset.
She made considerable noise about being ignored, unconsulted, in something
crucial to Prescott's life when she is 1 of her givers and, she stressed,
the prime giver. But that's Vettra, you know that well, mage, how she is
the most vehement when she is the most upset with herself. She is hurt
because this reminds her of her failure to effect a solution which would
have been easier for Prescott and far easier for you. She yells at you
and picks at you because she does love you so, rider. You know that, don't
you? As you have ever been special to her, so are you still."
I nodded.
I did know it.
wishes she could have saved you and Prescott this situation. And she feels

"She will." Gallett was undisturbed.
I knew
what that meant. Vettra had stormed out and she would be a very storm in
her person lashing her tongue and her ams, striding about. Eventually she
might look upon me without being tempted to spit.