Alzofon Art Institute
Museum Notes
Early Titian at the Galleria Palatina in Florence
Transcript from notebook
"Titian's (possible early) work:
It is impossible to read what was done exactly, but reading early, more
finished work might be helpful in understanding later work.
"Along the boundaries of the arms, I see parallel strokes in relief,
but this area also has much transparent glazing. The boundaries are not
dark. They are warm (Venetian Red?) value 2-3. At the terminal edge, there
is a vague step to dark which moves from parallel transparent brown to opaque
brown. Inside the form, an imperceptible transition to a frothy or tamped
texture nearly does not provide direction, but is worked into a wet glaze.
This procedure seems to be repeated many times, effecting luminosity. The
hair is very meticulously rendered, showing each strand (painful). Gloppy
paint was applied for highlight on vase."

More Notes:
Michelangelo Sculpture
First Day in Rome,
or...Travel Is a Painful Ordeal
Leonardo da Vinci
Bouguereau at the Haggin
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This site last updated: May 15, 1996