Has this ballet been proposed to anyone yet? Yes.
The entire proposal was created to be read by Helgi Tomason,
Artistic Director of the San Francisco Ballet. His dancers and all his
accompanying resources seemed to be the ideal vehicle for expressing my
ballet concept. His administrative assistant was very impressed by my presentation
and worked with me to have Mr. Tomason view it. After a year of many failed
efforts to have him look, I asked if his wife -- who I understood scouted
for new ballets -- would stand in his place. My wish was granted.
Then, in a telephone conversation, I was informed that she enjoyed viewing
the presentation, discussed it with her husband, and, he rejected it. To
the best of my knowledge, he never saw the presentation.
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Rebecca Alzofon can be e-mailed at rebecca@art.net
This page created: August 19, 1996