10 steps--a demonstration

This demonstration reflects
my mid 2003 understanding
--or lack of it--
of Prud'hon's Technique.
This drawing was captured in 10 steps.

This demonstration follows a different course
than the previous one. Mainly, you will see
new recommendations for the various hardnesses of the chalks. I have added
more information on organizing the hatches, and I add a suggestion to stump
with your fingers or use a chamois to remove tone. So lets begin...

Step 1
is the initial outline.
The outline:
places the figure on the page,
solves shape and proportion,
maps the important tonal boundaries.
Do not go forward with any of
these matters unsolved. Don't make the drawing beautiful here. Just make
it accurate. Take your time.
Before going on, step back
and thoroughly consider your drawing. If anything is wrong with the placement,
angles or proportions, FIX THESE
PROBLEMS NOW. Don't go to the next step without
taking a viewing break first. Fix as many times as it takes. Don't go on
until you take that last break and see that everything is OK. The reason
this is important is that each stage may become the last (so called "unfinished"

though, stay nice and easy, like Prud'hon did.

Use a black chalk that freely releases the color, so that you don't have
to bear down. There should be a certain ease to your marks. Use a black
that can erase and also leave a ghost with stumping. In the handmade chalks,
the "hard" will work nicely. Use the harder Conte.

Next Page: Demonstration:
Step 2 -- Bold Hatching
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This page updated July 16, 2003
1999 by Rebecca Alzofon.
All rights reserved.