Life Drawing
Lesson I
Gesture -- The Foundation of Figurative Art

Compare the "contour" method to the stick-start method
In a way, I am throwing you a curve here:
I am introducing a comparison to this "contour
drawing" to make a point. The
important point I am pushing is that a loose approach to drawing increases
options. Handled deftly, the stick method, above others, may lead to
more options.

This gesture drawing is produced by a common, fairly standardized
method known as "contour drawing." The approach is to observe
and directly delineate the external contours of the form. In short order,
you have a very satisfying, complete drawing.
apparently loose, I assert that this kind of drawing is rigid, in that it
offers little fodder for further development. As a style, it is an end in
But is there anything wrong with contour drawing?
Chances are, if you are a beginner, the contour
drawing style feels more natural for you to do.
Knowing this, many art teachers show you this technique since they want
you to feel comfortable while you learn. This technique may be advisable
and enjoyable, but it can be a trap if you want to learn to build a drawing
concept beyond this crystalline outline.
...It is important to caution beginners that, although less likely, rigid
adherence to the stick figure method can also block your freedom to move
forward after the gesture start...
this drawing to the drawing above. Which drawing do you think leads to the
most ideas for the next step, whatever that step may be? See how this drawing
is taken beyond the short gesture and on is more "fleshed out"

Students trying the stick figure method for the first time
might follow the stick figure technique strictly, as you see in this drawing.

As you get more comfortable with thinking in this technique,
you can loosen up. This drawing and the one below are variations on the
looser theme.

Finally, you can do a blend of approaches,
like blending the contour and the stick approaches for example:

Gesture Intro Page
Stick: The following
are the key elements for organizing a "stick" figure:
The line of action
ovals -- Head, Ribcage, Pelvis
Long bones
Tilts and angles
center lines of front and back torso, and face
and volume augmentations: While good as a foundation, the stick
figure does not adequately express projection of form, volume, or relative
position in space. There is more you can do to express these important factors
in the posing model:
The shortcomings of the stick figure
Showing projection
of the projection concept to the stick figure
volume solutions
position in space
Loosen up:
Using the stick figure foundation with the projection and volume augmentations,
you can loosely organize an expressive gesture sketch:
Compare the "contour" method to the stick-start
Importance of the
free-going mark
The line of action
and stick are construction lines
relationship and rhythm
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This page modified July 10, 2000
1998 by Rebecca Alzofon. All rights