Alzofon Art Institute

A Little Fun
I have always wanted to turn the tables on the people who offer grants,
and let THEM fill out the evaluation sheet!
Actually, this is an imaginary dialogue between me and all the grantors
whose lines I have read between -- the people I would never dare to challenge,
on account of being so desperate forsupport, I would NOT want to upset them.
Don't scroll between sections.
You'll get lost.
To navigate, use links.
Don't scroll between sections.
You'll get lost.
To navigate, use links.
Dear Grantor,
Thank you for your interest in providing grants to individual artists. In
recent years, available funds to painters have been reduced in favor of
broader art and humanities support, such as smaller awards to more individuals
(otherwise known as collaborations), and grants to organizations.
You distinguish yourself as one of the few who still believe that to perpetuate
the arts, it must be done on an individual-by-individual basis.
The Alzofon Art Institute has prepared for you the following worksheet,
in order to better determine your sincerity as a grantor.

Let the Evaluation Begin