the woods is perpetual youth....
In the woods, we return to reason and faith.
Standing on the bare ground,
my head bathed by the blithe air,
and uplifted into infinite space,
all mean egotism vanishes.
I become a transparent eyeball.
I am nothing.
I see all.
The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me;
I am part or particle of God.
These are paintings
of places.
Some I've actually been to.
Others are conceived in dreams.
Work of 2002 | Work of 2001 | Work of 1969-2000
comments are welcome.
works contained herein are copyright 1969-2003 by Arthur Chartow.
For any use other than personal enjoyment, please contact me at
248-788-8936 or via e-mail. For information on sales please visit www.artchartow.com. Site updated September 5, 2003.
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