Creative and technical leadership position in information technology and training. My experience in (1) creating and proving a production process to meet the needs of employer and clients, and (2) hiring and leading a multidisciplinary production staff ensures effective team work, high profits, and award-winning products.
20+ years' experience in Interactive Multimedia Software Development, Instructional Design, Project Management, Video Production, Computer Graphics, and Creative Visual Communication
General Manager and Director of Business Development, 1995 - August 1998
Gulliver Ritchie Associates, Inc., Atlanta, GA
Managed the hiring and development of a staff of more than 50 Instructional Designers, Video Specialists, Graphic Artists, and Multimedia Programmers to produce 120 interactive training and sales support programs in less than 3 years. Total budget managed exceeded $8 million. All projects were delivered on time, within budget. The first of these programs was honored as "Best Industrial Training Title" by the International CD-i Association. Subsequent awards include: SIG CAT "Outstanding Training Title," International Television and Video Association Gold and Silver Awards for "Excellence in Interactive Multimedia." Clientsómanufacturing, transportation, computer software. Program contentóequipment maintenance and operation, computer skills, sales support.
Day-to-day managerial responsibilities included:
- Perfecting innovative, cost-effective production and quality assurance strategies to enable aggressive development time lines.
- Developing job descriptions and hiring strategies for the multidisciplinary staff.
- Hiring, supervising, and evaluating staff.
- Evaluating and purchasing appropriate, cost-effective software and hardware for nonlinear video editing, digital audio production, computer graphics and animation, and interactive programming.
- Tracking project milestones and costs using computerized project management.
- Communicating with clients.
- Supporting marketing and sales efforts with technical trend assessments, feasibility analyses, cost proposals, sales calls, and sales presentations.
Creative and Technical Director, Interactive Multimedia, 1990 - 1995
Theta Technologies, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN
Lead the company in efforts to diversify services by building and managing an interactive multimedia software production team. Product focus--interactive marketing kiosks. Clients--entertainment industry, sports equipment manufacturer, national research lab.
Senior Instructional Designer, 1986 - 1990
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN
Applied systematic problem-solving techniques, instructional design principles, and knowledge of advanced training technologies to manage the design, development, and implementation of a curriculum of interactive training programs on laser disc for the
U.S. Navy. Total project budget exceeded $3.5 million. Program contentócomputer skills training, human resources.
Senior Project Control Analyst, 1980 - 1985
Systems Development Corporation, Oak Ridge, TN
Project Management. Developed the project management skills necessary to create effective computer-based project schedules for the construction of a multi-million dollar, state-of-the-art research and production facility. Communicated updated project information to high-level managers in collaborating organizations to assure on-time, on-budget project start-up.
Video Production. Provided methods and media to support the development of technical training for this large project, including designing and developing a video production facility, and developing and delivering video and stand-up training.
Video Producer, 1975 - 1979
Southwest Georgia Regional Library, Bainbridge, GA
Created and managed an innovative video production group: pioneered successful implementation and community participation in local-access cable TV, including outreach workshops for children and adults, designed and developed a video production facility, trained staff, produced more than 150 half-hour video programs for cable TV.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Florida State University, 1975
Additional graduate courses in psychology, learning theory, and artificial intelligence at the University of Tennessee, 1987
References & Salary History available on request.