Kendra K Davis
Basketry Sculpture

Click on images for descriptions/enlargements and additional pieces

angora3_icon.GIF (14652 bytes) lynn1_icon.GIF (15218 bytes) coughx.GIF (10494 bytes)
Chabot Nest Angora Nest Lynn's Nest Blue Vick's Cough Drop
basketshowcard_icon.GIF (14595 bytes) blackabaalone_icon.GIF (19737 bytes) purplex.GIF (15110 bytes)
Abalone Collection Shells Black Abalone Purple Abalone
greenaba127x.GIF (15823 bytes) Orange Abalonex.GIF (13982 bytes) whiteabalonex.GIF (16218 bytes) overspinx.GIF (15287 bytes)
Green Abalone Orange Abalone White Abalone Professional Overspin
Pink Abalonex.GIF (14079 bytes) violetabalone9x.GIF (14495 bytes) sparkaba13x.GIF (17064 bytes)
Pink Abalone Violet Abalone Sparkling Abalone They Carry their Eggs
under their legs
CrackedMemoryx.GIF (14706 bytes) NowThenx.GIF (11940 bytes) mousewomanx.GIF (10164 bytes) harliquin102x.GIF (21048 bytes)
Cracked Memory Now and Then The Best Laid Plans
of Mouse and Woman
unbecomingx.GIF (15284 bytes) infinatex.GIF (11354 bytes) nietherx.GIF (12835 bytes) MemoriesI-5x.GIF (16817 bytes)
UnBecoming a Basket Infinate Eights Niether Coming Nor Going Memories of  I-5
amdrew4x.GIF (19256 bytes) crash417x.GIF (12764 bytes) basket-hatx.GIF (14252 bytes) dervish11x.GIF (18030 bytes)
Hurricane Andrew Head Crash Hat It's a Basket, It's a Hat,
It's a Basket
Whirling Dervish

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