DreamScape File Index
DreamScape documentation index.
Index of files in DreamScape
- !mkdream.sx
Builds the LibraryContainer
- anim.sx
Defines the Animation interface module,
and implements the AnimationImplementation module.
- tracking.sx
Defines the Tracking interface module,
and implements the TrackingImplementation module.
- dreammod.sx
Defines the Dream interface module,
and the DreamImplementation module.
The following files are loaded into the
DreamImplementation module.
- globals.sx
Defines all the global variables and their initial values.
- utils.sx
Defines useful utilities,
for creating brushes,
and generating unique ids and names.
- sounds.sx
Defines utilities for making sounds.
- product.sx
Defines class Product.
- timeline.sx
Defines class TimeLine.
- room.sx
Defines classes UpdateViewProtocol and Room.
- navigate.sx
Defines class Navigator.
- throwing.sx
Defines classes Catcher, CatcherShape,
Thrower, ThrowerShape, ThrowerCatcherShape,
ThrowerSpace, ThrowerCatcherSpace,
Obstacle, Magic, and Portal.
- misc.sx
Defines miscellaneous classes TrackerTwoDShape,
SimpleDragger, DraggableShape, DraggableSpace,
and DropSlot.
- tool.sx
Defines classes Tool, TimelineToolProtocol,
and DashboardToolProtocol.
- titlebar.sx
Defines class TitleBar.
- action.sx
Defines class PerpetrateAction.
- rule.sx
Defines class Rule.
- perp.sx
Defines class Perpetrator.
- puppet.sx
Defines classes PuppetPart, PuppetShape, PuppetLine,
AnimationPuppetPartMedia, AnimatedProduct,
and AnimatedPuppetPart.
- ground.sx
Defines classes OffscreenGround, Ground,
and ForegroundPuppetShape.
- painter.sx
Defines classes PaintTool, ImageHose, and WeeShroom.
- warehous.sx
Defines class Warehouse.
- actcond.sx
Defines class ActionConductor.
- picklist.sx
Defines class PickList.
- factory.sx
Defines factory utilities for making common kinds of products.
- !mkstart.sx
Builds the TitleContainer
- startup.sx
Returns the startup function for the
TitleContainer "dream.sxt".
- !mkrooms.sx
Builds a room TitleContainer named rooms/roomname.sxt
for every sub-folder rooms/roomname.
- rooms folder
This folder contains a sub-folder for each room,
and "!mkrooms.sx" creates a room TitleContainer for each
"rooms/roomname" sub-folder,
named "rooms/roomname.sxt".
- rooms/roomname sub-folder
Each of these room sub-folders contains the files defining a room,
including the media associated with the room, and a
file that describes the room and media.
- rooms/roomname.sxt
These room TitleContainers contain a room description,
including media for the background bitmap and sound track,
specifications of products the room contains,
and links to other rooms.
- !mkprods.sx
Builds a product TitleContainer named products/prodname.sxt
for every sub-folder products/prodname.
- pupimp.sx
Defines an Director importer that reads in specially formatted
"puppets" from the score, and converts them to data that
ScriptX can animate.
- products folder
This folder contains a sub-folder for each product,
and "!mkprods.sx" creates a product TitleContainer for each
"products/prodname" sub-folder,
named "products/prodname.sxt".
- products/prodname sub-folder
Each of these product sub-folders contains the files defining a product,
including the media associated with the product, and a
file that describes the product and media.
- products/prodname.sxt
These product TitleContainers contain a product description,
including media, and ScriptX code defined in a module named