Forwarding: FINAL CALL!! Residencies for Media Artists in UK,
Scott deLahunta (sdela@ahk.nl)
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 09:07:05 +0100
>Artec . C3 . HTBA . Werkleitz
>In Brief
>Artec, C3, HTBA and Werkleitz will provide opportunities for artists to
>create new work via EMARE 99, the fifth European media artist in residence
>exchange programme.
>Artists nominated through the partner organisations - Artec and Hull Time
>Based Arts in the UK, the Werkleitz Gesellschaft together with the Media
>Association Saxony-Anhalt in Germany and the Center for Culture and
>Communication in Budapest, Hungary - will be spending up to two months
>during the summer developing projects in London, Budapest and Saxony-Anhalt.
>Participating artists will be provided with accommodation, technical
>resources, a grant and travel expenses, as well as participation in
>forthcoming media art festivals or a separate presentation of work.
>DEADLINE for Applications: 31 January 1999.
>(see contact and application details below)
>To enable collaboration between European artists on projects with host
>media arts organisations. EMARE 99 offers the opportunity for individual
>artists to experiment and develop their own projects within a new context.
>Single screen video/film or digital media installations will be produced
>and shown at international festivals.
>An archive of previous EMARE projects and more information about the
>residency exchange programme and the selection process can be found at
>The Partner Organisations
>Artec, C3, HTBA and Werkleitz will each provide resident artists with
>approximately two months basic accomodation, a grant equivalent to 1000
>ECUs, travel expenses and access to film / video, sound or digital
>production equipment and technical support. In addition, projects will be
>developed for presentation at the Friewild and the HTBA International ROOT
>festivals. For more detailed information about the resources of each
>organisation check http://www.artec.org.uk/emare or contact HTBA.
>For more information about the indvidual partner organisations and what
>they do visit:
>Artec, London, UK (http://www.artec.org.uk)
>C3, Budapest, Hungary (http://www.c3.hu)
>Hull Time Based Arts, Hull, UK (http://www.htba.demon.co.uk)
>Werkleitz Gesellschaft, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (http://www.werkleitz.de)
>Artists in the UK should contact Hull Time Based Arts immediately for an
>application form and apply in writing to HTBA (artists from Germany and
>Hungary should contact Werklietz or C3 respectively).
>Applicants will need to include a brief project outline, an indication of
>the area of technical interest, a budget indicating any other sources of
>funding, CV, 2 recent photographs of yourself, documentation.
>Deadline for applications: 31 January 1999
>UK Applications should be sent to:
>Hull Time Based Arts
>EMARE Coordinator
>8 Postingate
>HU1 2JN
>Tel: 01482 216 446
>Email: emare@htba.demon.co.uk (no faxes please!)
>There is no age limit and knowledge of foreign languages is not necessary.
>However, students are not permitted to apply and applicants cannot apply to
>do a residency with organisations in their own country.
>artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec .
>artec . artec
>David Sinden
>Arts Programme Coordinator
>Artec / Channel
>Tel: +44 (0)171 477 2775 . Fax: +44 (0)171 477 2813 . Email:
>Artec web: http://www.artec.org.uk
> |
>- * channel experimental web art projects: http://www.channel.org.uk
> |
>artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec . artec .
>artec . artec