Re: Dance for the Camera Festivals
napolidanza (napolidanza@vesuvio.synapsis.it)
Fri, 18 Dec 1998 11:23:46 +0000
Susan Mann wrote:
> I am a choreographer who has spent the past year collaborating with a
> film-maker to produce a 15-minute dance designed only for television
> broadcast. The videotape is finished now, and I am looking for places
> (festivals, competitions, even television agencies interested in paying
> for a broadcast) to present the tape (1" master w/ stereo soundtrack).
> Does anyone receiving this list have any suggestions for me?
> Susan Mann, smann@towson.edu
Dear Susan (and everybody who might be interested in it),
"Il Coreografo Elettronico" is an international videodance competition
held every year in Naples-Italy.
You can find all the information you need about it in then site:
If you have any question our e-mail is: