multimedia, mutisoftware environement
jacques.hoepffner (jacques.hoepffner@wanadoo.fr)
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 21:38:58 +0100
I am preparing a parformance with a dancer/choreographer involving
differents technics, sound, images, interactivity etcÉ I would use for that
three software in real time, each one the best for the task. Director for
the interface with the audience, for the quality of the graphics and the
facility to develop multiple screen for the commands, Opcode Max for the
work with music, interactivity, sound, movement capture (by I-Cube) and
Dataton Trax as to pilot videoplayer, slideprojector etc.
If someone has experimented this kind of linkage or only two together,
could you say me if it is necessary to use 3 computer, how can they speak:
midi, applescript, something else? Can you share your experience, your
problems and your questions about this kind of instalation.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Jacques Hoepffner, photographe
31, rue de la RŽunion 75020 Paris France
tŽl 33 (0)1 44 93 39 27 fax 33 (0)1 44 93 39 70
Email: jacques.hoepffner@wanadoo.fr
URL: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/aladin/