Theater and virtual worlds/cyberspace group starting (fwd)
Isabelle Jenniches (isabelle@mfa.media-gn.nl)
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 14:42:29 +0200
>This is a forwarded message. Please address any responses to the original
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>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 08:33:16 -0700
>>From: Bruce Damer <bdamer@ccon.org>
>>Contact Consortium is initiating a virtual worlds as Theater SIG
>>Consortium information: http://www.ccon.org
>>Hi Twyla (and all friends who have expressed an interest).. It just so
>>happens that i am up here at U Washington and just met a wonderful
>>gentleman Mark Farrelly (hi Mark) who is in the theater (drama) dept here
>>and passionate about inhabited cyberspace as a theater of the virtual.
>>Avatars as improv instruments.
>>There seems to be a critical mass of folks who have contacted us
>>(passionately) with theater backgrounds who see virtual worlds as a new
>>medium relevant to the dramatic form and storytelling. With Mark's interest
>>and that of others, i have initiated the formation of a new special
>>interest group for the topic of virtual worlds and theater. I will create a
>>listserver for discussions and the SIG will have webspace and worldspace
>>for its uses on our servers.
>>If any of you would like to be involved in helping stage manage this, let
>>me know.
>>All: Note that on november 21st we will be holding a large conference
>>inside 3D and 2D cyberspace worlds (avatars98). It will a large spontaneous
>>theater production to be sure.. details at http://www.ccon.org/conf98
>>(sign up for newsfeed or if you want, a performance, during the event,
>>which will draw several thousand people and exhibitors)
>>Bruce Damer
>>Contact Consortium
>> ++ The Contact Consortium ++
>>A Forum for Contact, Culture and Community in Digital Space
>> Visit us at: http://www.ccon.org
>> PO Box 66866, Scotts Valley CA USA 95067-6866
>> reach Bruce at work: (831) 338-9400
>> or at the Consortium by email at: bdamer@ccon.org
>>/- Living, Learning and Working in Virtual Worlds -/