Re: introduction
Nick Rothwell (nick@cassiel.com)
18 Sep 1998 16:02:23 -0000
> Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1904 07:14:52 +0000
> From: Niels RADTKE <radtke@nirvanet.net>
> X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN
> hello everybody,
> i'm new to this list and would like to introduce myself:
> My name is niels radtke, living in belgium for the "moment", and working
> at the cybertheatre for the moment (www.nirvanet.com)
> I'm media art program manager for the "moment".
> so there ae several reasons why i send this email:
> 1. inform you about a film i'm going to make with my girlfriend in japan
> this fall
> "the eight stades of dissolution", this is fictionalised documentary of
> two pleaple, he media artist, she writer, both have the idea to make a
> film in japan, they meet in an aquarium in tokyoi, then a voyage begins
> through the life of contemporary media ratists in japan, passing
> throught ancient japan, ending in a VR center in gifu where the
> directors become virtual actors"
> the whole has no accent on new technology as such but expresses
> schyzzophrenic imaging and highlight the roadmovie through real and
> media life.
> now i would like to if there is any interest from you out there.
> I'm looking for musics and imaging and some dance, but i do not make any
> definition for the moment being, i'm waiting for input...and discussion
> 2. I'm looking for potential artists to invite at the cybertheatre in
> belgium to perform live on stage.
> are there any people living in europe, or are there any people passing
> europe this fall/winter to have them perform in brussels
> waiting for any constructive reply...
> with most respects
> niels radtke
> ps. does anybody know of the exsistance of a music performance list?
> and film/video list?
> --
> Only Light Remains Solid.
Nick Rothwell, CASSIEL contemporary dance projects
http://www.cassiel.com music synthesis and control
"Welcome to Moscow, Mrs. Gandhi." -- Leonid Brezhnev to Margaret Thatcher