Minimally Invasive
CP 212 (cp212ph@hotmail.com)
Mon, 03 Aug 1998 05:44:07 PDT
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to inform about MINIMALY INVASIVE, the new movement
based piece by Portuguese emerging choreographer Paulo Henrique.
MINIMALLY INVASIVE is a co-production between Forum Dança, Expo 98
Festival Mergulho no Futuro and Ministério da Cultura/IPAE - Portuguese
Institute for the Performing Arts. The artistic creation started last
April in New York, and after a two month residence in Lisbon the piece
will be presented next 4th and 5th August at 22.00 as part of the Dive
into the Future Festival, in Expo 98 - LISBON
The concept evolved originally from the definition of Minimally
Invasive - surgical technique used in order to minimise intervention in
the body. The body is operated upon without making an opening and the
whole process is monitored by cameras/tv. On stage, 4 performers
interact to each other’s private sphere creating a dense and intimate
ambiance. Technological potential is also involved, through the
manipulation and composition of digital images. The result is a poetic
emersion in the domain of human life and the respect for the body, or
according to the coreographer:
"For me the most interesting aspect of this technique has to do with
the fact that the people involved (surgeon/patient) do not touch,
although they are close to each other: the body is regarded as if it
were geography or a map, but without entering it aggressively. The body
can be entered minimising the physical and psychological consequences of
this intervention, and, at the same time, respecting the body which is
regarded as an amalgam of matter, systems, personality, culture, a place
to feel, express and live. But above all it is the poetic dimension wich
attracts me to the term MINIMALLY INVASIVE."
Best regards,
CP 212
Fernando Azvedo - ip200676@ip.pt
by Paulo Henrique 1998
Conception, original idea and artistic direction:
Paulo Henrique
Performers and co-creators:
Marion Ballester, Dominik Borucki, Paulo Henrique,
Jack Shamblin
Assistant of choreography:
Christine D’Andrès
Laurent Simões
Lighting design:
Cristina Piedade
Rui Leitão
Scenic materials and props:
Catarina Campino
André Guedes
Robert Flynt
CP 212
Production manager:
Forum Dança
Parque Expo 98, Forum Dança/NAC, IPAE/Ministério da
Câmara Municipal de Leiria/Teatro José Lúcio da
Silva, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Akademia Lusoh-Galaktika, CPAI,
Bazar do Vídeo, Contrafogo,
Super Casting, Serviço Cultural da Embaixada de
França/Institut Franco-Portugai
Joaquim Cerveira, Margarida Bettencourt, Pentacle,
Ana David.
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